Rapture Letter

“As Moses lifted up the serpent [the serpent made of bronze described in Numbers 21:8–9] in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life, for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten [uniquely born] Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

“…for by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, lest any man should boast.”

Above is the content of John 3:14–16 and the content of Ephesians 2:8–9, respectively.

Itʼs worthwhile to refrain from receiving the mark referenced in Revelation 13:11–18 and to instead receive eternal life for free by believing that Jesus is the Savior.

“However, all of us are like an unclean thing, and all our righteous deeds are like filthy rags / menstrual rags. All of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.”

Above is the content of Isaiah 64:6. The Hebrew word translated as “filthy” or “menstrual” in Isaiah 64:6 is עִדִּים [pronounced eed-DEEM and can be transliterated as `iddiym], which is an inflected form of the root word עִדָּה [pronounced eed-DAH and can be transliterated as `iddah]. (Hebrew is written and read from right to left.)

While good works are unable to provide a person with eternal life, once a person has believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior, that believer should do good in whatever that person does, as per Ephesians 2:10: In that verse, walking refers to the manner of life of a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, it is worth noting that in the content of Ephesians 2, the content of Ephesians 2:10 comes after the content of Ephesians 2:8–9, and as noted in the content of Ephesians 2:8–9 further above, salvation is the gift of God, not as a result of works.

“Indeed, we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

Before doing any Bible studying and before praying to God the Father, it is useful for a person who has believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior to try to think of any sins that one might have committed since one last confessed oneʼs known post-salvation sins to God the Father, and if one has indeed committed any, to then silently confess those sins to God the Father—confessing only one time for each sin—in accordance with what is mentioned in 1 John 1:9:

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

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If a sudden disappearance of many people professing to be Christians were to occur in the next few years, then the seven years after that date would involve quite interesting events. In that regard, this is shared to help with regard to being alert like when one is alert for a hurricane potentially arriving at oneʼs location. With regard to being alert, levels of alertness can be categorized in terms of a mindset color code that involves four colors. The mindset color code describes states of awareness. Below are the conditions of alertness of the mindset color code and descriptions of them.

Condition White:

Unaware and unprepared, one is totally oblivious to what is going on.

Condition Yellow:

Relaxed alert—no specific threat is detected, but one is “taking in” surrounding info—the mindset in which one is aware that one might have to deal with danger today.

Condition Orange:

Specific alert—something is not quite right and has oneʼs attention. It might be something having to be dealt with right now. One gets mentally prepared to act, just in case.

Condition Red:

The potential danger of Condition Orange is determined to be a real danger. It is definitely something having to be dealt with right now. One acts immediately.

If there is a mass disappearance of people professing to be Christians, it is worthwhile to consider the possibility that those people have exited from the earth on the occasion known as the Rapture instead of assuming that that mass disappearance involves extraterrestrials abducting those people or involves the annihilation of those people or involves anything else other than the Rapture. The time period after the aforementioned disappearance can be referred to as the Tribulation. The content of Revelation 7:1–10 indicates that during the Tribulation, there will be 144,000 Jewish men who will be sharing the gospel—the good news that believing that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior Who was judged on the cross for the sins of humanity is the means by which a person is able to have eternal life. Those 144,000 Jewish evangelists are different from the group of 144,000 people referenced in some of the teachings of the Watchtower Society (the organization of people who refer to themselves as Jehovahʼs Witnesses) because the context of Revelation 7:1–10 involves literal references to Jewish men. This information is shared out of concern for people, including Watchtower Society members, rather than out of a desire to debate Watchtower Society members. Regarding debating, the apostle Paul referenced debating in the content of 1 Corinthians 1:20. Below is content related to that verse.

1 Corinthians 1:20

Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

Note: In this verse, the phrase wise man refers to Greek philosophers. The city Corinth was a Greek city. The Greek philosophers seemed wise when actually they lacked wisdom. The word scribe in this verse refers to Jewish scribes. At the time that Paul wrote this epistle, Jewish scribes seemed to be experts regarding the Mosaic Law when actually they lacked understanding regarding the Mosaic Law. The term Mosaic Law refers to the laws communicated by Moses to the ancient Israelites. Because Moses communicated those laws, they are known collectively as the Mosaic Law. Debaters seek to win arguments. They are motivated by arrogance. In that regard, they debate in order to try to bring glory to themselves. Regarding debating, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should present the gospel to unbelievers without trying to argue with them.

God the Father has caused to be revealed that the wisdom of the world is actually foolishness. In this verse, the Koine [KOI-nay] Greek word that is translated as “world” refers to an organized system. In particular, it refers to the devilʼs organized system by means of which he rules the world. In that regard, some people use the term cosmos diabolicus [KAHZ-mahs digh-uh-BAHL-ih-kuhs] to refer to the devilʼs system for ruling the world. Cosmos diabolicus can also be referred to as the cosmic system. The Koine Greek word translated as “world” in this verse is κόσμου [pronounced KAHS-moo and transliterated as kosmou]. That word is an inflected form of the root word κόσμος [pronounced KAHS-mahs and transliterated as kosmos].

If you are a Jewish man, you might even become one of those 144,000 Jewish evangelists if it is after that disappearance rather than before that disappearance that you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior Who was judged on the cross for the sins of humanity is the means by which a person is able to have eternal life. The 144,000 Jewish evangelists are also referenced in Revelation 14:1–5, which mentions them in Heaven. In that regard,absent from the Bible is anything indicating that 144,000 humans are the only humans who go to Heaven. In addition to the reference to those 144,000 Jewish evangelists being in Heaven, other people who go to Heaven are referenced in John 14:2–3. In those verses, Jesus tells His disciples that Jesus prepares dwellings in Heaven for those disciples. Those disciples are different people from the 144,000 Jewish evangelists that are referenced in Revelation 7:1–10 and Revelation 14:1–5.

The word Rapture refers to the event involving both deceased and living believers in the Lord Jesus Christ meeting the Lord in the clouds in the atmosphere of the earth, receiving glorified immortal resurrection bodies similar to the Lord Jesus Christʼs glorified resurrection body, and going to Heaven with those resurrection bodies. The word Rapture comes from a Latin translation of the Koine Greek verb that is in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18. The verse in which that verb is located is 1 Thessalonians 4:17. That Koine Greek verb is ἁρπαγησόμεθα [pronounced hahr-pah-gay-SAH-meh-thah and transliterated as harpagēsometha]. That Koine Greek verb is an inflected form of the Koine Greek verb ἁρπάζω [pronounced hahr-PAH-dzoh and transliterated as harpazo]. The Koine Greek verb harpagēsometha can be translated into English as “will be caught up.” The Latin translation of the Koine Greek verb harpagēsometha is rapiēmur [rah-PEE-ay-moor]. That Latin verb is an inflected form of the Latin verb rapere [RAH-pay-ray]. The word Rapture is derived from the Latin verb rapere.

Before the occasion of receiving a resurrection body, each deceased believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is in Heaven without a glorified body. Regarding information about the Rapture, it is beneficial to keep in mind the content of 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51–52 [in the content of 1 Thessalonians 4:16, which is in the first block of content below, there is the word trumpet while some older English translations of the Bible lack the word trumpet and instead have a synonym of that word that consists of the first five letters of that word, and in the content of 1 Corinthians 15:52, which is in the second block of content below, there are two instances of the word trumpet while some older English translations of the Bible lack the first instance of the word trumpet and instead have a synonym of that word that consists of the first five letters of that word]:

1 Thessalonians 4:13–18

Now we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope, for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again—and we do indeed believe that Jesus died and rose again—so also God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep through Jesus. Indeed, this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive who remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep, for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout of command, with a voice of an archangel and with a trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive who remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words.

1 Corinthians 15:51–52

Behold, I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for a trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed.

The occurrence of the Rapture is part of a chiastic [kigh-AS-tik] structure of four events involving the Lord Jesus Christ. A chiastic structure looks like the letter X [EKS] of the Latin alphabet, which is the alphabet used for the English language. That letter looks like the Greek letter Χ [pronounced KIGH and spelled out in English as chi]. Regarding the chiastic structure of four events involving the Lord Jesus Christ, He appeared to all mankind when He was born as a human. The birth of Him began the First Advent. After He died and was resurrected, He appeared only to those who had believed in Him as the Savior. He then ascended up into the atmosphere of the earth and through a cloud. At the Rapture, He appears only to those who had believed in Him as the Savior, and that appearance occurs in the clouds in the atmosphere of the earth. At the Second Advent, He appears to all mankind.

There will be evil people causing trouble on the earth during the Tribulation. Among those evil people will be the king of the North, the king of the South, the kings of the East, the king of the West, a group of corrupt powerful people collectively referred to as Babylon, and possibly a dictator of Palestine. The term Babylon is a metaphorical reference in the context of the Tribulation. The king of the West is known as the Antichrist with a capital A. He is also known as the beast and the first beast. The false prophet is known as the second beast. Also, the king of the West will have ten subordinates who will help him defeat the group of corrupt powerful people collectively referred to as Babylon. Unspecified in the Bible are the identities of any of those aforementioned people. Also, unspecified in the Bible is the number of kings of the East. Likewise, unspecified in the Bible is the number of people in the group known as Babylon.

The forces of the king of the North, the king of the South, the kings of the East, and the king of the West will fight in the Battle of Armageddon in the land of Israel during the Tribulation. That topic is covered in Revelation 16:12–16. The Lord Jesus Christ will then return to the earth on the occasion of the Second Advent. In that regard, the content of Revelation 19:11 indicates that the Lord will be riding a white horse on the occasion of the Second Advent. Unspecified in the Bible is whether the Lord will be riding a literal horse or a vehicle that from the perspective of the apostle John could be described as a horse, including a flying vehicle that might resemble a flying motorcycle. In that regard, the visions that John had were described by John with words that were part of Johnʼs vocabulary. Also, when the Lord will be returning to the earth on the occasion of the Second Advent, the Lord will be amongst clouds. That topic is covered in Matthew 24:30; Matthew 26:64; Mark 13:26; Mark 14:62; and Luke 21:27. In contrast to the content of Revelation 19:11, the content of Revelation 6:2 indicates that the king of the West will seem to be a hero riding on a white horse. In that regard, the king of the West is a pseudo-savior—in other words, a false savior.

When the Lord Jesus Christ will return to the earth on the occasion of the Second Advent, He will land on the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem and defeat the forces of the king of the North, the king of the South, the kings of the East, and the king of the West. On that occasion, the Mount of Olives will split in half such that one part moves north and the other part moves south, and people will flee eastward through the valley that will result from the splitting of the Mount of Olives. Also on the occasion of the Second Advent, day will be darkened, and night will be illuminated. The topic of the Lord Jesus Christʼs return is covered in Zechariah 14:1–7. It is also covered in Revelation 19:11–21.

Before the Lord Jesus Christ returns as described above, there will be multiple people claiming to be saviors. The Lord Jesus Christ warned about dangers involving deceptions involving people claiming to be saviors. That topic and the topic of the Lordʼs Second Advent are covered in Matthew 24:23–30; Mark 13:21–26; and Luke 17:23–24.

As mentioned further above, the king of the West is known as the Antichrist with a capital A, the beast, and the first beast, and the false prophet is known as the second beast. Content related to the king of the West being referred to as the first beast is in Revelation 13:1–12. The content of Revelation 13:11–18 references the false prophet. Either the content of Daniel 11:36–40 indicates that there will be a dictator of Palestine, or the content of Daniel 11:36–40 references the Antichrist.

The king of the North is known as Gog of Magog. In ancient times, there was an Israelite named Gog who was a descendant of Reuben, one of the sons of Jacob. Also, there was a grandson of Noah named Magog who was the son of Japheth, one of the sons of Noah. The king of the North will start a world war in which the forces of the king of the North, the king of the South, the kings of the East, and the king of the West will end up in Israel.

The content of Ezekiel 38–39 covers the topic of the king of the North starting a war and sending his forces into the land of Israel. Daniel 11:40–45 references the forces of the king of the North invading Israel and invading Africa. The king of the South invading Israel is mentioned in Daniel 11:40. Revelation 16:12–16 references the forces of the kings of the East crossing the dried-up Euphrates River and invading Israel. The kings of the East are also referenced in Daniel 11:44.

Revelation 17 and Revelation 18 reference the group of corrupt powerful people collectively referred to as Babylon. Content in Revelation 17 also metaphorically refers to that group as the great harlot, and content in Revelation 18 references that metaphor. In addition, Revelation 17 references the king of the West and subordinates of him defeating the group known as Babylon. The destruction of the group known as Babylon is referenced in Revelation 18:20–24.

Revelation 18:20–24

“Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you saints / holy ones / set-apart ones and apostles and prophets, because God has judged your judgment of her / pronounced judgment for you against her.” Then one strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So will Babylon, the great city, be thrown down with violence and will not be found any longer. Then the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer, and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer, and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer, and the light of a lamp will not shine in you any longer, and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer, for your merchants were the great men of the earth because all the nations were deceived by your pharmakeia [far-mah-KAY-ah]. Then in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints / holy ones / set-apart ones and of all who have been slain on the earth.”

Note: All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are saints. In other words, they are holy, which means that they are set apart. Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have a relationship with the Trinity, while unbelievers lack a relationship with the Trinity. At the moment of salvation, a believer becomes a saint / holy one / set-apart one. Also, the word apostles in this verse refers to the apostles in the early part of the Church Age when the Canon of Scripture had not yet been completed. The gift of apostle and the office of apostle had ended by the time that the Canon of Scripture was completed. The word prophets in this verse refers to prophets during the Age of Israel. Because the Tribulation is the last seven years of the Age of Israel, the gift of prophecy will be active again. In that regard, Revelation 11 references two prophets who will be in the Tribulation. Also, the word pharmakeia is described in detail in the notes for Revelation 9:20–21.

I have hope that ties in with Moses when he was leading the Israelites in the wilderness. When serpents bit some of the Israelites in the wilderness, if any person who was bitten looked at a serpent made of bronze that Moses had lifted up on a pole, that person would be saved from the physical death that the serpentsʼ bites would cause. Similarly, I am hopeful that if a person believes that Jesus of Nazareth is the Savior Who did nothing wrong and Who was punished for all of the wrongdoings of all other humans, that the person so believing will have eternal life. It is my hope that Jesus is indeed the Messiah, the Christ, Who, having always existed as God the Son, took on the form of a real human being via the birth from Mary and without a human father, and I hope that just as the ancient Israelites, who were unable to save themselves from the results of the serpentsʼ bites, could be saved from the results of those bites by looking up to the bronze serpent, so too can people be eternally saved by believing that Jesus is the Savior, thereby looking up to Him on the cross. Maybe I am a fool to be pitied, but I sincerely believe that the words attributed to Jesus in John 3:14–16, in which Numbers 21:8–9 is referenced, are indeed true and that Jesus is the Messiah Who came as the Suffering Servant as mentioned in Isaiah 53, ultimately suffering the judgment for everyoneʼs sins, thereby providing the means of salvation through faith in Him as the Savior.

Because the context of Numbers 21:8–9 is found in Numbers 21:1–10, below is content related to Numbers 21:1–10. The setting of Numbers 21:1–10 involves the Israelites wandering around in the wilderness after the Exodus.

Numbers 21:1

When the Canaanite, the king of Arad living in the Negev / South country, hears that Israel has been coming by the way of Atharim, then he fights against Israel and takes some of them captive.

Note: In this verse, the uses of a present tense are references to what has occurred in the past. Such uses of a present tense have a rhetorical effect. In that regard, using a verb in a present tense to refer to the past can help a reader or hearer of the Word of God imagine past events as though the reader or hearer is watching those events as they occur.

Numbers 21:2

Therefore, Israel makes a vow to Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One and says, “If You indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I have devoted to destruction their cities.”

Note: The uses of a present tense in the phrase makes a vow and the word says are references to the future. Such uses of a present tense have a rhetorical effect. In that regard, using a verb in a present tense to refer to the future can help a reader or hearer of the Word of God imagine future events as though the reader or hearer is watching those events as they occur.

In this verse, the use of the perfect tense in the phrase I have devoted to destruction is a reference to a promise. Such a use of the perfect tense has a rhetorical effect. In that regard, why would verbs in the perfect tense be used to refer to what is promised? Doing so in reference to something being indicated can communicate that the person making the promise claims that they are 100% certain to keep the promise and that because they are 100% certain to keep the promise, it is as though what is promised has happened already.

Numbers 21:3

Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One hears the voice of Israel and delivers up the Canaanites; then they [the Israelites] utterly devote them and their cities to destruction. Thus, the name of the place is called Hormah [a devoted thing or Destruction].

Note: The uses of a present tense in this verse and the following verses are references to the past.

Numbers 21:4

Then they set out from Mount Hor by the way of the Sea of Reeds [also referred to as the Red Sea], to go around the land of Edom, and the people become impatient / the soul of the people is short because of the journey.

Numbers 21:5

The people speak against 'Elohiym [el-oh-HEEM] / the Godhead and Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? Surely, there is no bread/food and no water, and our soul has loathed this miserable bread/food.”

Note: The second reference to bread/food in Numbers 21:5 is manna, the food that, during the time that the Israelites wandered around in the wilderness after the Exodus, appeared on the ground for the Israelites every morning except Saturday mornings.

Numbers 21:6

Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One sends fiery serpents among the people and they bite the people so that many people of Israel die.

Note: The fiery serpents were venomous snakes.

Numbers 21:7

Therefore, the people come to Moses and say, “We have sinned because we have spoken against Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One and you; intercede with Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One that He may remove the serpents from us.” Moses intercedes for the people.

Numbers 21:8

Then Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One says to Moses, “ Make for yourself a fiery serpent and set it on a standard/pole, and it has come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he has looked at it, he has lived.”

Note: In this verse, the uses of the perfect tense in the phrases it has come about and he has lived are references to the future. Such uses of the perfect tense have a rhetorical effect. In that regard, why would verbs in the perfect tense be used to refer to what will happen in the future? Doing so in reference to something being indicated can communicate that what will occur in the future is 100% certain to happen and that because it is 100% certain to happen, it is as though it has happened already.

The standard/pole was something like a pole on which a flag or some other sort of banner is hung. In this case, a serpent design was on the standard/pole. Also, the Israelites were unable to save themselves from the snake bites. Looking up at the serpent design on the standard/pole was a non-meritorious act, just like believing in Jesus Christ as the Savior for eternal salvation is a non-meritorious act. In a non-meritorious act, the person doing the action receives zero merit. In other words, there is nothing about which a person can boast with regard to that action. The same applies to faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior for eternal salvation. Ephesians 2:8–9 covers that subject matter: “…for by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, lest any man should boast.” In addition, the standard/pole and the serpent design on it served as typology that foreshadowed the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. The details of the cross might have been a mystery to those Israelites, but what was available to them to know was that eternal salvation could be obtained through faith that the Messiah would come to be judged for the sins of humanity.

Numbers 21:9

Moses makes a brass serpent and sets it on the standard/pole, and it has come about, that if a serpent has bitten any man, when he has looked to the bronze serpent, he has lived.

Numbers 21:10

The sons of Israel move out and camp in Oboth.

The helplessness of the Israelites with regard to the venom of the serpents could call attention to Genesis 3:14–15, which references the serpent in the Garden of Eden and involves a prophecy about the Savior being judged for the sins of humanity and about the Savior defeating Satan. Regarding the content of Genesis 3, the contrast between the man-made garments consisting of fig leaves that are referenced in Genesis 3:7 and the garments consisting of animal skin that are referenced in Genesis 3:21 calls attention to the helplessness of people to provide eternal life for themselves. In that regard, the reference to garments of skin in Genesis 3:21 calls attention to the fact that the Savior would later be judged for the sake of the rest of humanity, which is analogous to an animal or animals dying so that the garments of skin could be provided. The fact that the man-made garments consisting of fig leaves were inadequate in contrast with the garments consisting of animal skin indicates that the means of obtaining eternal life has zero dependence on the works of the person being saved. In that regard, below is content related to the Lord Jesus Christ speaking to his disciple Thomas. In the below content, the verb followed by an asterisk is in the Greek historical present tense. By means of the Greek historical present tense, past action can be described from the perspective of someone seeing the action as it occurs.

John 14:6

Jesus says* to him, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

Note: The content of John 14:6 calls attention to the fact that the only means by which a person can have eternal life is faith alone in Christ alone. If works were needed to be added to faith in Christ, then the Lord Jesus Christ Himself would have mentioned that here.

As mentioned further above, before doing any Bible studying and before praying to God the Father, it is useful for a person who has believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior to try to think of any sins that one might have committed since one last confessed oneʼs known post-salvation sins to God the Father, and if one has indeed committed any, to then silently confess those sins to God the Father—confessing only one time for each sin—in accordance with what is mentioned in 1 John 1:9:

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

When studying the Word of God, it is beneficial to keep in mind the content of Hebrews 4:12:

“Indeed, the Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit and of the joints and the marrow and is a critic of thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Note: The heart refers to the mind.

It is also beneficial to keep in mind the content of 2 Timothy 3:16–17 when studying the Word of God:

“All Scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God might be mature, having been thoroughly furnished unto all good work.”

It is the responsibility of a pastor-teacher to endeavor to correctly understand the Word of God and then to accurately teach the Word of God, as per the content of 2 Timothy 2:15:

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth.”

A pastor-teacher is a communicator rather than a crutch on which to be leaned. In that regard, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should refrain from putting oneʼs trust in and thereby serving as a devoted follower of and thus worshiping a pastor-teacher. Likewise, a believer should refrain from putting oneʼs trust in and thereby serving as a devoted follower of and thus worshiping anyone other than the Trinity [God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit], as per Joshua 24:15, the content of which references Joshua speaking to the Israelites:

If it is disagreeable/bad/evil/wrong/wretchedness/displeasing in your sight to serve/worship Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One, choose for yourselves today whom you serve/worship: whether the gods ['elohiym / false gods] which your fathers have served/worshiped which were beyond the river or the gods ['elohiym / false gods] of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my house, we serve/worship Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One.

Note: Joshua, the leader of the Israelites after Joshua had been serving as the assistant of Moses while Moses was the leader of the Israelites, set the example for the Israelites. Joshua chose to put his trust in and thereby serve as a devoted follower of and thus worship God the Father rather than Joshua choosing to put his trust in and thereby serve as a devoted follower of and thus worship the lesser of multiple evils amongst multiple choices of 'elohiym [el-oh-HEEM]. The word 'elohiym with a lowercase e can refer to false gods, to angels, or to human rulers or judges. The word 'Elohiym with a capital E refers to the Trinity. The word 'elohiym can also be used to refer to might as in mightiness. In that regard, the use of the word 'elohiym in reference to false gods, to angels, or to human rulers or judges involves the connotation of mightiness in comparison to an average human. When a person puts oneʼs trust in and thereby serves as a devoted follower of and thus worships an angel or human, that angel or human is that personʼs false god. Regarding the foregoing, the content of Joshua 24:15 involves Joshua calling attention to the choices that the Israelites had, and that content involves Joshua permitting the Israelites to make their choices while Joshua led by example with his choice.

The gift of pastor-teacher is for the purpose of each pastor-teacher functioning as a messenger who communicates the Word of God rather than functioning as a priest between the Trinity and mankind. In that regard, the time period that can be referred to as the Church Age started fifty days after the Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected, and all Church Age believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are priests. The Lord Jesus Christ is the High Priest of Church Age believers, and believers should be willing to acknowledge/confess/profess to people the believersʼ faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, as per Hebrews 4:14–15:

Therefore, since we have a great High Priest Who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast the acknowledgment/confession/profession. Indeed, we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One Who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.

Also, the Lord Jesus Christ is the High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek [mel-KIZ-uh-dek], who was the ruler of Salem when Abraham was still named Abram. Melchizedek was both a king and a priest, as per Genesis 14:18, which references Melchizedek greeting Abram:

Then Melchizedek king of Salem has brought out bread and wine, and he is a priest of 'El [AYL] 'Elyown [el-YOHN] / God [focusing on God the Fatherʼs power] Most High.

The Lord Jesus Christ is also both a king and a priest because the Lord is the Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, as per Hebrews 7:14–17:

Indeed, it is evident that our Lord has arisen from Judah, a tribe with reference to which Moses spoke nothing concerning priests. Also, it is still much more evident: that according to the similarity of Melchizedek, Another of a different type of priest arises, Who has become such not on the basis of a law of fleshly command / physical requirement, but according to the power of an indestructible life. Indeed, it is attested: “YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER, ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK.”

Note: The Lord Jesus Christ is from the tribe of Judah. Also, the Lord Jesus Christ is qualified to be a priest because He was resurrected and therefore has an indestructible body. The above content in all capital letters is a reference to Psalm 110:4.

Because a king is royalty, a king who is a priest is a royal priest. In that regard, Church Age believers are royalty because they are members of the Lord Jesus Christʼs family. Therefore, all Church Age believers are royal priests, as per 1 Peter 2:9–10:

However, you are A CHOSEN PEOPLE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR ACQUISITION/PRESERVATION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him Who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are GODʼS PEOPLE. You had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.

Note: Before the Church Age, Gentiles were not Godʼs people. In the Church Age, both Jewish and Gentile believers are Godʼs people. The content of 1 Peter 2:10 references Hosea 2:23. In that regard, Peter uses references involving Israel in the Old Testament to refer to Church Age believers.

Itʼs the message rather than the messenger that should be the focus of the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Put succinctly: itʼs the message rather than the messenger. In that regard, it is beneficial to keep in mind the content of Revelation 22:8–9, which was written by the apostle John, who, in addition to writing The Revelation to John, wrote The Gospel According to John, The First Epistle of John, The Second Epistle of John, and The Third Epistle of John:

I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things, and when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things, but he says* to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”

*Note: The word says is in the Greek historical present tense. By means of the Greek historical present tense, past action or future action can be described from the perspective of someone seeing the action as it occurs.

Regarding messages, believers should use the Word of God to examine what is being communicated. That is what the Bereans who are mentioned in Acts 17:10–12 did:

The brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, who, when they arrived, went into the synagogue of the Jews. Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, who received the word with all eagerness / readiness of mind, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Therefore, many of them believed, and not a few prominent Greek women and men.

Note: The phrase not a few means “quite a few.”

Regarding events of significance in human history, there is an interesting pattern involving the schedule of ancient Israelʼs feasts that were to be observed under the Mosaic Law. The term Mosaic Law refers to the laws communicated by Moses to the ancient Israelites. Because Moses communicated those laws, they are known collectively as the Mosaic Law. The Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the Mosaic Law by being judged on the cross for the sins of humanity. Now that the Lord Jesus Christ has fulfilled the Mosaic Law, no believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are under the regulations of the Mosaic Law.

Regarding the feasts that the Israelites were supposed to celebrate under the regulations of the Mosaic Law, there were seven feasts that the Israelites were supposed to celebrate during each year of the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar. Regarding the sequence of the seven feasts during each year of the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar, significant events have occurred during the times of the first four feasts. In that regard, below content related to those feasts. In that content, the feasts are listed in the order in which they occurred each year.

1) During the first feast, the Feast of Passover, the Lord Jesus Christ was judged on the cross for the sins of humanity. The Passover day is a Sabbath day. A Sabbath day involves an absence of work. In that regard, the fact that the Passover day was a Sabbath day calls attention to the fact that a personʼs receiving of eternal salvation involves an absence of work by that person for the eternal salvation.

2) The second feast is the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and it occurs for seven days after the Feast of Passover. The Feast of Unleavened Bread teaches about having a relationship with the Trinity [God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit], and the number seven can be used to symbolically represent completeness. In that regard, the Feast of Unleavened Bread immediately following the Feast of Passover teaches that a relationship with the Trinity is possible because the Lord Jesus Christ did the work of being judged for the sins of humanity. The potential of a relationship with the Trinity becomes reality at the moment that a person believes that the Lord Jesus Christ was judged for the sins of humanity. In that regard, the Feast of Passover occurring on a single day of the year teaches that a person receives eternal salvation as a result of that person on a single occasion believing that the Lord Jesus Christ was judged for the sins of humanity, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread occurring on the seven days immediately following the Feast of Passover teaches that eternal salvation is complete for that person who believed that the Lord Jesus Christ was judged for the sins of humanity.

3) During the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the third feast occurs. The third feast is known as the Feast of First Fruits (also spelled Firstfruits). During the Feast of First Fruits, the Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected.

4) During the fourth feast, which is known as Pentecost [PEN-tih-kahst] and also as Feast of Weeks, the Day of Pentecost occurred, which is the day that the time period known as the Church Age began. With regard to the Church Age, below is a synopsis of human history as categorized into time periods known as dispensations. In the below synopsis, there is the term hypostatic union [high-PUH-stat-ick YOON-yuhn]. This refers to the Lord Jesus Christ being 100% Deity and 100% humanity. The English word hypostatic is derived from the Koine [KOI-nay] Greek word ὑπόστασις [pronounced hoo-PAH-stah-sees and transliterated as hypostasis]. Regarding the Church Age, after the Lord Jesus Christ was judged for the sins of humanity, His body was in the grave for three days and three nights. He was then resurrected, and He was on the earth for forty days after He was resurrected. He then ascended to Heaven, and ten days after that, the Day of Pentecost [PEN-tih-kahst] occurred. The Day of Pentecost was the beginning of the Church Age. The word Pentecost is derived from the Koine Greek word πεντηκοστή [pronounced pen-tay-kah-STAY and transliterated as pentēkostē]. That word is derived from the Koine Greek word πεντήκοντα [pronounced pen-TAY-kahn-tah and transliterated as pentēkonta], which means “fifty.” Therefore, the word Pentecost is derived from the fact that that day occurred fifty days after the Lord was resurrected. In that regard, the Church Age began fifty days after the Lord was resurrected. The Church Age will end with the Rapture. The Rapture involves both deceased and living believers in the Lord Jesus Christ meeting the Lord in the clouds in the atmosphere of the earth, receiving glorified immortal resurrection bodies similar to the Lord Jesus Christʼs glorified resurrection body, and going to Heaven with those resurrection bodies. Before the Rapture occurs, deceased believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are in Heaven without glorified bodies. Absent from the Bible is anything specifically indicating the precise date and time when the Rapture will occur, although it is possible that the Rapture will occur on the day of the Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah [yahm tuh-ROO-uh or yohm tuh-ROO-uh]—which is what some people call Rosh Hashanah and which some people celebrate for two days—the next occurrence of which will possibly be during September or October of 2025.



Ending or Interruption

Age of the Gentiles


The Age of the Gentiles ended with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.

Age of Israel


The Age of Israel was interrupted on the Day of Pentecost.

Age of the Hypostatic Union (part of the Age of Israel)

First Advent of Christ

The Age of the Hypostatic Union ended with the Ascension of Christ.

Church Age

Day of Pentecost

The Church Age will end with the Rapture of the Church.

Tribulation (Age of Israel resumed)


The Tribulation will end with the Second Advent of Christ.


Second Advent

The 1,000-year Millennium will end with the Great White Throne Judgment of unbelievers.

Eternal State

Great White Throne Judgment

The Eternal State will be never-ending.

Regarding the word judgment, the proper way to spell that word is without an e between the dg and the m. In that regard, the e of the root word judge is dropped when the suffix ment is added to that root word. The formation of the word judgment is shown below.

judge −e +ment

= judg +ment

= judgment

Another way to categorize human history is by means of civilizations. Civilizations begin only with believers. Regarding the timing of civilizations and dispensations, the first civilization began with Adam and ended on the occasion of the Great Flood (also known as the Flood). That civilization is known as the antediluvian civilization and the predulivian civilization. In that regard, the prefixes ante and pre mean “before.” Also, there are various spellings of the adjectives that refer to the time before the Flood. Those spellings include antediluvian, ante-diluvian, prediluvian, and pre-diluvian.

After the Flood, there were only eight believers on the earth: Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their sonsʼ wives. With the removal of the unbelievers from the earth on the occasion of the Flood, a new civilization was started. That civilization is known as the postdiluvian civilization (also known as the postdiluvial civilization). Regarding the terminology, the prefix post means “after,” and the adjectives diluvian and diluvial mean “having to do with a flood.” Also, there are various spellings of the adjectives that refer to the time after the Flood. Those spellings include postdiluvian, post-diluvian, postdiluvial, and post-diluvial. The postdiluvian civilization will end on the occasion of the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. On the occasion of the Second Advent, the Lord will remove all unbelievers from the earth. Their removal will be by means of physical death just as the removal of all unbelievers was by means of physical death on the occasion of the Flood. This is called the Baptism of Fire, which is either a metaphorical description because fire can be used to represent judgment or a literal reference to the use of fire in the judgment of unbelievers on the occasion of the Second Advent. The Baptism of Fire is referenced in Matthew 3:11–12; Luke 3:15–17; and 2 Thessalonians 1:7–9.

Just as a new civilization started after the Flood, so also a new civilization will start after the Baptism of Fire. That civilization is called the Millennium. The Millennium is both a civilization and a dispensation. The Eternal State is also both a civilization and a dispensation.

5) The fifth feast is the Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah [yahm tuh-ROO-uh or yohm tuh-ROO-uh]—which is what some people call Rosh Hashanah and which some people celebrate for two days. The term Rosh Hashanah is derived from a Hebrew phrase in Ezekiel 40:1; that phrase can be translated as “the beginning of the year.” In that regard, the Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah occurs on the first day of the seventh month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar, which is the first day of the first month of the Hebrew civil calendar. The name of the month that is the seventh month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar and the first month of the Hebrew civil calendar is Tishri [tish-REE]. Regarding the significance of the Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah, that feast involves regathering, and the Rapture involves regathering. The Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah involves the regathering of Israelites. The Rapture involves the regathering of Church Age believers. In that regard, the prophesy in the content of 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51–52 is a prophesy about the end of the Church Age.

6) The sixth feast, the Day of Atonement / Yom Kippur [yahm kih-POOR or yohm kih-POOR], teaches about the Lord Jesus Christ returning to the earth to deliver the nation of Israel, which will be unable to deliver itself. The occasion of that deliverance of Israel is the Second Advent. The Second Advent will occur at the end of the Tribulation, which is the seven-year period that will begin with the Rapture.

7) The seventh feast, the Feast of Tabernacles, teaches about the Millennium. The Millennium will start on the occasion of the Second Advent, and the Millennium will last one thousand years. During the Millennium, the Lord Jesus Christ will reign on the earth.

Each day of the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar started at sunset, and the start of each month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar was related to a crescent new moon. The crescent new moon is the illumination of a sliver of the waxing moon. The moon is waxing when it is becoming more and more illuminated after what some people refer to as the astronomical new moon, the time when there is an absence of illumination of the moon—in other words, when there is an absence of reflection of light from the moon.

Absent from the Bible is how the ancient Israelites were supposed to determine that there was a crescent new moon. In that regard, there is a crescent new moon a fraction of a second after there is an absence of illumination of the moon—in other words, after the moon is 0% illuminated. While there is a crescent new moon a fraction of a second after the moon is 0% illuminated, it is possible that ancient Israelites would be unaware that illumination of a waxing moon was occurring until a sufficiently large sliver of the waxing moon was illuminated such that people could see the sliver. In that regard, it is possible that a day or more could elapse from when the moon was 0% illuminated to when a sliver of the waxing moon in the sky over ancient Israel was visible to the unaided eye of a human. Also, absent from the Bible is whether ancient Israelites used any devices for magnifying the appearance of the objects that were visible in the sky.

Nowadays, some people try to determine the start of a month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar by looking for a sliver of the waxing moon in the sky over Israel, and when the sliver of the waxing moon in the sky over Israel becomes visible, those people conclude that the first day of the month started at the sunset before the sighting of the sliver of the waxing moon. In that regard, it is possible that a day or more could elapse from when the moon is 0% illuminated to when a sliver of the waxing moon in the sky over Israel becomes visible to the unaided eye of a human. While it is possible that a day or more could elapse from when the moon was 0% illuminated to when a sliver of the waxing moon in the sky over ancient Israel became visible to the unaided eye of a human, one must refrain from assuming that ancient Israelites only used unaided eyes when looking for a sliver of the waxing moon. In that regard, while some people who try to determine when a month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical calendar would start do that attempted determining based on when a sliver of the waxing moon becomes visible to an unaided eye of a human on earth, it is worthwhile to also consider the date and time of when there is a sliver of the waxing moon a fraction of a second after the moon is 0% illuminated.

Regarding the day of the Rapture, some people try to determine the first day of the Hebrew month Abib [ah-BEEB] (also known as Aviv [ah-VEEV]) based on the status of barley crop and a crescent new moon each year. In that regard, some people look for the first appearance of a sliver of the moon after what some people refer to as the astronomical new moon, the time when there is an absence of reflection of light from the moon. When the people looking for the first appearance of a sliver of the moon see the first appearance of a sliver of the moon, if there is sufficient barley crop in a status referred to as abib/aviv, those people conclude that the first day of the month Abib/Aviv started at the sunset that preceded the sighting of the first appearance of a sliver of the moon. In that regard, the date that those people conclude to be the date of the Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah can be different from the date that is concluded by people using a different method or different methods to determine the date of the Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah. In addition, there has been disagreement amongst people who try to determine the first day of the Hebrew month Abib/Aviv based on the status of barley crop and a crescent new moon each year. Such disagreeing involves whether sufficient barley crop is in a status referred to as abib/aviv and whether to conclude that the first day of the month Abib/Aviv starts on the occasion of the next crescent new moon. With regard to the foregoing, it is possible that believers in the Lord Jesus Christ can be aware that the Rapture will be in the near future without precisely knowing the day on which the Rapture will occur.

Regarding the timing of the Rapture, the content of 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11 covers the topic the escaping of the Tribulation for believers who will be alive on the earth when the Rapture occurs. In that regard, the content of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 references people saying “Peace and safety!” Below is content related to 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11.

1 Thessalonians 5:1–11

Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you, for you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord is coming just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. However, you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief, for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; therefore, let us not sleep as others, but let us be alert and sober. Indeed, those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. However, since we are of day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and benevolence/goodwill, and as a helmet, the hope / absolute confidence of deliverance, for God has not destined us for wrath but for obtaining deliverance through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. Therefore, comfort one another and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

Note: In this context, the day of the Lord is the time period that consists of the Rapture, the seven years of the Tribulation, and the Second Advent. In that regard, deliverance from the Tribulation is the deliverance in this context. Also, unspecified is who will be saying “Peace and safety!” In this context, sleeping refers to a lack of alertness. The alertness in this context involves being ready for the Rapture. In order to be ready for the Rapture, a believer needs to be filled with the power of God the Holy Spirit and to pay attention for historical trends such as people saying “Peace and safety!” and for historical trends that match the pattern of the world being on the brink of tremendous calamities like those that will occur during the Tribulation. Regarding being filled with the power of God the Holy Spirit, once a believer commits a sin after salvation, that believer is no longer filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and is out of fellowship with the Trinity. After that believer has confessed/acknowledged all known unconfessed post-salvation sins to God the Father, fellowship with the Trinity and the filling with the power of the Holy Spirit are restored. The procedure for confessing/acknowledging to God the Father all of oneʼs known unconfessed post-salvation sins is mentioned in 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” After a believer has confessed/acknowledged all known unconfessed post-salvation sins to God the Father, that believer is then filled with the power of God the Holy Spirit again and in fellowship with the Trinity again.

Fellowship with God the Father and God the Son is mentioned in 1 John 1. Being out of fellowship with God the Holy Spirit is referenced in Ephesians 4:30. In that regard, when a believer sins, that believer grieves the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 4:30

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by means of Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Note: The phrase sealed for the day of redemption is a reference to the eternal security of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Believers can never lose their eternal life. The day of redemption is the Rapture, which is the occasion on which all Church Age believers will receive resurrection bodies. Receiving a resurrection body is known as ultimate sanctification.

Losing the filling of the power of God the Holy Spirit is referenced in 1 Thessalonians 5:19.

In that regard, when a believer sins, the power of God the Holy Spirit is quenched in that believer.

1 Thessalonians 5:19

Do not quench the Spirit.

God the Holy Spirit is also referenced in the Old Testament. In that regard, below are Old Testament verses referencing God the Holy Spirit.

Genesis 6:3

Striving is referenced in relation to the Holy Spirit in this verse.

Isaiah 48:16

The Holy Spirit is referenced in this verse.

Isaiah 63:10–14

The Holy Spirit is referenced in this passage. Verse 10 references the Holy Spirit being grieved.

With regard to being alert, levels of alertness can be categorized in terms of a mindset color code that involves four colors. The mindset color code describes states of awareness. The mindset color code can be utilized for matters outside oneself; for example, the color code can be applied to both physical dangers and also to the dangers of stumbling blocks that can lead a Christian to sin. Also, the color code can be utilized introspectively with regard to the temptations that can originate from oneʼs old sin nature (OSN). Every human except the Lord Jesus Christ has acquired an old sin nature, and each humanʼs old sin nature is in the body of that human. The old sin nature, which is referenced in Ephesians 4:22 with the term old man, can also be referred to as the sin nature. It is also referenced using the word flesh in Ephesians 2:3 and Galatians 5:16. The content of Romans 6:6 associates the sin nature with peopleʼs bodies, and the content of Romans 7:17–18 references the sin nature being in peopleʼs bodies. Adam and Ishshah [ish-SHAW] (the name of Eve before Adam renamed her Eve) were created without old sin natures, and they acquired old sin natures when they sinned. All other human beings have been conceived. Only the Lord Jesus Christ was conceived without an old sin nature. All the other humans that were conceived have been conceived with old sin natures. Likewise, all humans in the future will be conceived, and the conceiving of each of them will involve each of them receiving an old sin nature at the moment that each of them will be conceived. Below are the conditions of alertness of the mindset color code and descriptions of them.

Condition White:

Unaware and unprepared, one is totally oblivious to what is going on.

Condition Yellow:

Relaxed alert—no specific threat is detected, but one is “taking in” surrounding info—the mindset in which one is aware that one might have to deal with danger today.

Condition Orange:

Specific alert—something is not quite right and has oneʼs attention. It might be something having to be dealt with right now. One gets mentally prepared to act, just in case.

Condition Red:

The potential danger of Condition Orange is determined to be a real danger. It is definitely something having to be dealt with right now. One acts immediately.

In being alert regarding temptations to sin, it is useful to be aware of different categories of sins. In that regard, sins can be categorized in various ways. There are three broad categories of sins: mental-attitude sins, verbal sins, and overt sins. Verbal sins can also be referred to as sins of the tongue. They can also be referred to as communicative sins because that category also encompasses non-verbal communication that involves sinning. Communicative sins can also involve physical means of communication such as facial expressions, other forms of body language, tone of voice, and demeanor.

A right thing must be done in a right way. Only a right thing done in a right way is acceptable to God the Father. Below is a list of right and wrong things.

A right thing done in a wrong way is wrong.

A wrong thing done in a right way is wrong.

A wrong thing done in a wrong way is wrong.

A right thing done in a right way is right.

The seven years of the Tribulation are also known as Danielʼs seventieth week. In that regard, Danielʼs seventieth week is the last seven years that have yet to occur in order to complete Danielʼs prophecy about 490 years remaining in the dispensation known as the Age of Israel. WIth a week referring to seven years, seventy weeks equals 490 years. The content of Daniel 9:20–27 covers the topic of Danielʼs seventieth week. In that regard, below is content related to Daniel 9:20–27.

Daniel 9:20

While I am speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and causing my supplication to fall before / presenting my supplication before Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One my 'Elohiym [el-oh-HEEM] / Godhead on behalf of the holy mountain of my 'Elohiym/Godhead—

Note: The uses of a present tense in verbs in this verse and the verses that follow are references to what has occurred in the past. Such uses of a present tense have a rhetorical effect. In that regard, using a verb in a present tense to refer to the past can help a reader or hearer of the Word of God imagine past events as though the reader or hearer is watching those events as they occur.

In this verse, the phrase holy mountain refers to Jerusalem. In that regard, the phrase holy mountain is used to refer to the city Jerusalem by means of metonymy [meh-TAHN-uh-mee], which is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted for another word or phrase with which the substituting word or phrase is closely associated. Also, Danielʼs reference to Jerusalem is a reference to the Israelite people. In that regard, Daniel was praying on behalf of other Israelites.

Daniel 9:21

while I am speaking in prayer—then the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, is coming to me wearied with weariness / whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, is coming to me at the time of the evening offering.

Note: Gabriel is an angel. In the Bible, the descriptions of angels that have been visually manifested to humans involve angels having appearances like that of male members of the human species. Absent from the Bible is anything mentioning female angels.

In this verse is the Hebrew verb מֻעָף [pronounced moo-AHF and can be transliterated as mu'aph] followed by the preposition בִּ [pronounced BEE and can be transliterated as bi] and the noun יעָף [pronounced yuh-AHF and can be transliterated as y'aph]. (Hebrew is written and read from right to left.) The verb that can be transliterated as mu'aph is an inflected form of the root word יָעַף [pronounced yah-AFF and can be transliterated as ya`aph]. The noun that can be transliterated as y'aph is an inflected form of the root word יְעָף [pronounced yeh-AHF and can be transliterated as ye'aph]. Also, the noun that can be transliterated as ye'aph is derived from the verb that can be transliterated as ya`aph. That verb followed by the preposition that can be transliterated as bi and followed by that noun can be translated as “wearied with weariness” or “fly swiftly.” Unspecified in the content of this verse and the surrounding verses is whether that combination of verb, preposition, and noun should be translated as “wearied with weariness” or “fly swiftly” in this verse. Also, if “wearied with weariness” is the translation of what Daniel was communicating, unspecified in the content of this verse and the surrounding verses is whether that would refer to the angel Gabriel or to Daniel. Regardless of what Daniel was communicating with that combination of verb, preposition, and noun, this verse indicates that the angel Gabriel came to Daniel.

Daniel 9:22

He gives instruction and talks with me and says, “O Daniel, I have now come forth to give you insight with understanding.

Daniel 9:23

“At the beginning of your supplications, the word went out, and I have come to declare / make known, for you are greatly beloved; therefore, give heed to the message and gain understanding of the vision.

Daniel 9:24

“Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression/rebellion, to make an end of / to seal up sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.

Note: In this verse, the phrase Seventy weeks refers to the amount of remaining time that there would be of the Age of Israel before the Second Advent occurs. In that regard, the word week refers to seven years. Also, at the time that Daniel wrote this verse, each year of the Israelitesʼ calendar had a different number of days than the number of days in the modern calendar used in most of the world. This is a result of the Israelitesʼ calendar being based on the moon. In that regard, the Israelitesʼ calendar had months that could be 29 or 30 days long.

Sometimes, the number of days in the year of the Israelitesʼ calendar had less than the number of days in the modern calendar used in most of the world. Sometimes, the number of days in the year of the Israelitesʼ calendar had more than the number of days in the modern calendar used in most of the world. In the Israelitesʼ calendar, the years with a number of days more than the number of days in the modern calendar have an extra month.

In this verse, the transgression/rebellion is the transgression/rebellion against God the Father by a large portion of Israelites. In that regard, there have been many generations of Israelites in which a large portion of Israelites have rebelled against God the Father. That rebellion can involve rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. That rebellion can also involve Israelites believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior but then rejecting the Word of God after salvation. The rebellion referenced in this verse involves the removal of all Jewish unbelievers from the earth when the Lord returns on the occasion of the Second Advent. All Gentile unbelievers will be removed from the earth at that time also. As mentioned in the notes above 1 Thessalonians 4:13, that removal of unbelievers is referred to as the Baptism of Fire.

Unspecified in this verse and the surrounding verses is to what the ending / sealing up of sins refers. It might mean that each believer who will be on the earth on the occasion of the Second Advent will receive a resurrection body without an old sin nature (OSN). Every human except the Lord Jesus Christ has acquired an old sin nature, and each humanʼs old sin nature is in the body of that human. The old sin nature, which is referenced in Ephesians 4:22 with the term old man, can also be referred to as the sin nature. It is also referenced using the word flesh in Ephesians 2:3 and Galatians 5:16. The content of Romans 6:6 associates the sin nature with peopleʼs bodies, and the content of Romans 7:17–18 references the sin nature being in peopleʼs bodies. Adam and Ishshah [ish-SHAW] (the name of Eve before Adam renamed her Eve) were created without old sin natures, and they acquired old sin natures when they sinned. All other human beings have been conceived. Only the Lord Jesus Christ was conceived without an old sin nature. All the other humans that were conceived have been conceived with old sin natures. Likewise, all humans in the future will be conceived, and the conceiving of each of them will involve each of them receiving an old sin nature at the moment that each of them will be conceived. Also, the ending / sealing up of sins mentioned in this verse might refer to a large portion of the nation of Israel no longer rebelling against God the Father. Regardless of to what Daniel was referring when he mentioned the ending / sealing up of sins, the Millennium will begin with believers only, and those believers who are Israelites will be obeying the Word of God. In that regard, this verse contains the phrase to make reconciliation for iniquity. With regard to the making of reconciliation for iniquity, all of the Israelites who will be on the earth when the Millennium starts will be obeying the Word of God.

In this verse, the phrase to bring in everlasting righteousness seems to refer to the believers who will be on the earth on the occasion of the Second Advent receiving resurrection bodies without old sin natures. Of course, people will be born during the Millennium, and when each person who will be born during the Millennium will be conceived, each such person will be conceived with an old sin nature. Therefore, once people will be born during the Millennium, there will be unbelievers during the Millennium.

The sealing up vision and prophet in this verse refers to the fulfillment of prophecies related to the Lord Jesus Christ reigning as the King of Israel. The anointing of the Holy of Holies refers to the Millennial Temple. Currently there is no Temple of God on earth. The last Temple was destroyed by Roman legions in A.D. 70. Unspecified in the Bible is when the Temple referenced in this verse will be built.

Daniel 9:25

“Therefore, you know and discern that from the issuing of a decree/word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince is seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza/street and moat, even in times of distress.

Note: Seven weeks plus sixty-two weeks equals sixty-nine weeks. SIxty-nine times seven years equals 483 years. The decree/word regarding restoring and rebuilding Jerusalem refers to a ruler of Persia authorizing Nehemiah and other Israelites to return to rebuild the Temple.

Daniel 9:26

“Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end is with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.

Note: The word flood in this verse is used metaphorically to refer to warfare and the destruction that will result from the warfare. Also, the Messiah being cut off and having nothing refers to the Lord Jesus Christ being judged on the cross for the sins of humanity. The prince who is to come is the Antichrist with a capital A. The Antichrist will be the ruler of the most powerful western nation during the Tribulation. The Antichrist is also known as the king of the West, the beast, and the first beast. The false prophet is also known as the second beast. The false prophet will be supporting the Antichrist. Content related to the king of the West being referred to as the first beast is in Revelation 13:1–12. The content of Revelation 13:11–18 references the false prophet. In Daniel 9:27, the king of the West is the person referenced.

That the Antichrist is a ruler of a nation located west of Israel is determined from the content of Daniel 2, which involves a dream interpreted by Daniel. That dream involves a statue, the parts of which represent different powerful nations. The gold part of the statues represents the Babylonian Empire, the silver part represents the Medo-Persian Empire, the bronze part represents the Graeco-Macedonian Empire, the iron part represents the Roman Empire, and the part involving a mixture of clay and iron represents the nation of the Antichrist. The reference to iron being mixed with clay indicates that the nation of the Antichrist is somehow related to ancient Rome. Because ancient Rome is west of Israel, the Antichrist is a western ruler.

Regarding the false prophet, the content of Revelation 13:13–15 indicates that the false prophet will perform signs, including causing fire to come down from heaven, and that the false prophet will give breath to an image of the king of the West. Those activities of the false prophet might involve supernatural power similar to what some people refer to as magic, or those activities of the false prophet might involve some sort of technology. In that regard, technology sometimes seems like magic to some people. If the content of Revelation 13:13–15 refers to some sort of technology used by the false prophet, then some people might perceive the false prophet as being a visionary technologist—in other words, a man who some people think has great ideas about what can be done regarding the future of mankind.

Regarding the references to the king of the West in the content of Revelation 13, some of the content in that chapter involves metaphors. In that regard, the content of Revelation 13 metaphorically references the king of the West as a beast with ten horns and seven heads. Regarding the metaphor involving the ten horns, the content of Revelation 17:12 indicates that those ten horns metaphorically refer to ten subordinate rulers of the king of the West. Regarding the metaphor involving the seven heads, the content of Revelation 17:9–11 indicates that those seven heads metaphorically refer to powerful rulers during various times of history. Regarding those rulers being powerful, the content of Revelation 17:9 contains a metaphor involving those rulers being referred to as mountains or hills. The content of Revelation 17:10 indicates that at the time that the apostle John wrote that verse, five of those rulers were no longer in power, one was in power, and one would later be in power. The content of Revelation 17:11 indicates that the king of the West will be an eighth such powerful ruler.

While it might seem that the content of Revelation 17:9 refers to the seven hills of the city Rome and therefore refers to the religious and political organization that is based in Vatican City, which is located in the city Rome, the context of Revelation 17:9–11 is such that the reference to seven mountains or hills refers to rulers. In that regard, rather than the religious and political organization that is based in Vatican City being referenced by the reference to seven mountains or hills, it is possible that that religious and political organization is referenced by the references to the group of evil powerful people referred to as Babylon in Revelation 17 and Revelation 18. That religious and political organization that is based in Vatican City has material wealth, and that material wealth could involve investments that are hidden from the public. It is possible that such investments could involve influence over rulers and business people around the world.

The content of Revelation 17 and 18 indicates that a group of evil powerful people referred to as Babylon will have had influence over rulers and business people around the world. That group of evil powerful people, which is also referenced in Revelation 14 and 16, is referred to as the great harlot, Babylon the great, the great city, and Babylon. The content of Revelation 17:18 references the group of evil powerful people referred to as Babylon having influence over rulers. The content of Revelation 18:3 references the group of evil powerful people referred to as Babylon having influence over business people in addition to rulers. In that regard, the group of evil powerful people referred to as Babylon and the people over whom they have influence can be referred to as the Babylon crowd. In Revelation 17:18, the Babylon-crowd members who are rulers are referred to as “the kings of the earth.” In Revelation 18:3, the Babylon-crowd members who are rulers are referred to as “the kings of the earth,” and the Babylon-crowd members who are business people are referred to as “the merchants of the earth.”

It is possible that some of the non-Biblical religious activities in which the religious and political organization that is based in Vatican City is involved are the same non-Biblical religious activities in which people were involved in ancient Babylon. For example, absent from the Bible is anything referring to Mary as the queen of heaven. In that regard, an example of Israelites refraining from regularly obeying the Word of God involves Israelites who were judged for worshiping false gods, including the queen of heaven (also known as the queen of the heavens). That topic is covered in Jeremiah 44. Rather than expressing gratitude to God the Father, some Israelites expressed gratitude to the queen of heaven. Those Israelites rejected God the Father and chose paganism instead. In that regard, any church that people claim to be Christian but is involved in worshiping the queen of heaven is either involved in syncretism [SING-krih-tihz-uhm or SING-kruh-tihz-uhm], which is the mixing of false notions with principles of the Word of God, or is a pagan entity masquerading as Christianity. In the Bible, all of the references to the queen of heaven involve a negative connotation. In that regard, the queen of heaven is referenced in Jeremiah 7:18; Jeremiah 44:17; Jeremiah 44:18; Jeremiah 44:19; and Jeremiah 44:25.

Regarding the matter of the queen of heaven, the idolization of Mary is similar to the idolization of the false goddess Ishtar [ISH-tahr] and the similar false goddesses. For example, the Babylonians and Assyrians worshiped Ishtar. This false goddess is similar to the Aphrodite [af-ruh-DIGH-tee] / Cytherea [sith-uh-REE-uh] worshiped by the Greeks and the Venus worshiped by the Romans. A similar false goddess worshiped by the Phoenicians, Syrians, and Canaanites is named Astarte [uh-STAHR-tee]. That false goddess is also known by the names Ashtaroth [ASH-tah-rohth], Astaroth, Asharoth, Asherah, and Ashtoreth. In some of the English translations of the Bible, the word Asherah is used to refer to an idol representing the false goddess named Ashtaroth, and the word Asherim is used to refer to multiple idols representing that false goddess. Regarding the foregoing, there has been a common thread in false-goddess worship, and that thread has continued for thousands of years and in various cultures. In that regard, the content of Ecclesiastes 1:9 indicates that there is nothing new under the sun. That thread of false-goddess worship is one of many methods that Satan has used to deceive people throughout human history. The organization that is based in Vatican City is involved in that thread of false-goddess worship, and that thread is connected to ancient Babylon. In that regard, it is possible that the organization that is based in Vatican is a modern-day version of Babylon.

Except when referring to a man in authority within the scope of a family, a pastor-teacher should never be referred to as a father. In that regard, below is content related to Matthew 23:9. The book Matthew was written by the apostle Matthew. In the below content, the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking.

Matthew 23:9

“Do not call anyone on earth your father, for One is your Father, He Who is in Heaven.

Note: In the context of Matthew 23, rather than the word father in Matthew 23:9 referring to a man in authority within the scope of a family, the word father in Matthew 23:9 instead refers to a man in authority within the scope of worshiping the Trinity. With regard to worshipping the Trinity, the scope of the authority of a pastor is limited to teaching; therefore, the title father within the scope of worshiping the Trinity should be avoided in reference to a pastor, just as the title father within the scope of worshiping the Trinity should be avoided in reference to anyone except God the Father.

Also, it is important to note that the authority of a pastor is within the scope of teaching rather than within the scope of trying to force people to make certain decisions. Trying to force people to make certain decisions is spiritual bullying. Rather than being a spiritual bully, a pastor needs to be grace-oriented. With an attitude of grace orientation, a pastor must communicate the Word of God so that people can be well-informed when they use their volition (free will) to make the decisions that they make. In that regard, a pastor must respect the free will of others to make their own decisions without any coercion whatsoever. Making clear the truth and permitting others to make their own decisions about whether or not to make use of the truth is a manifestation of a grace-oriented ministry.

Regarding the metaphors involving the seven heads, it is important to be aware of the wording of the content of Revelation 13. In that regard, one of the heads of the king of the West is referenced in the content of Revelation 13:3 with the phrase as if in front of the phrase it had been slain. That wording is such that rather than the content of Revelation 13:3 indicating that that head is slain, the content of Revelation 13:3 indicates that it is as though the head is slain. The content of Revelation 13:3 then indicates that the wound of that head is healed. While that healed wound is referenced by means of an adjective that could be translated as “fatal” or “deadly,” the phrase as if earlier in this verse indicates that the fatal/deadly reference is a metaphor. The metaphorical fatal/deadly wound that is referenced in Revelation 13:3 is also referenced in Revelation 13:12. The content of Revelation 13:14 references that metaphorical wound as the wound of the machaira [MAH-khigh-rah in Koine (KOI-nay) Greek and muh-KIGH-ruh in English]. The word machaira can be used literally to refer to a sword, and it can be used metaphorically to refer to judicial punishment.

The references to seven rulers in Revelation 17:10 can involve metonymy [meh-TAHN-uh-mee], which is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted for another word or phrase with which the substituting word or phrase is closely associated. In that regard, the references to seven rulers in Revelation 17:10 can metonymically [meh-tuh-NIM-ik-uh-lee] refer to the rulership of those rulers. If the references to seven rulers in Revelation 17:10 metonymically refer to the rulership of those rulers, then the content of Revelation 13:3 could refer to the king of the Westʼs rulership seeming to be permanently ended but then getting revived. In other words, it could refer to the king of the West being in power then being out of power and seemingly prevented from returning to power but then returning to power. In that context, the use of machaira in Revelation 13:14 could refer to judicial punishment that seemingly would prevent the king of the West from returning to power. In other words, such a use of machaira could refer to something occurring in a court or courts of a legal system such that it will seem that the king of the West experiences a “fatal blow” to his political career.

Some people refer to the most powerful western nation during the Tribulation as the Revived Roman Empire. While absent from the Bible is anything specifically indicating that the most powerful western nation during the Tribulation will be known as the Revived Roman Empire, the content of Daniel 2 indicates that that western nation is related to ancient Rome. In that regard, the word Rome can be used to refer to the city Rome, to the kingdom of which that city was the capital, to the republic of which that city was the capital, or to the empire of which that city was the capital. The settlement that became the city Rome was founded in the 700s B.C. Rome eventually became a kingdom. That kingdom is known as the Roman Kingdom. Then Rome became a republic. That republic is known as the Roman Republic. After that, Rome became an empire. That empire is known as the Roman Empire. When the First Advent occurred, the Roman Empire existed.

The historical path of America could potentially be similar to the path of ancient Rome. The United States was born from the American colonies. Those colonies were under the sovereignty of the king of the United Kingdom. Therefore, the American colonies were part of a kingdom, and then those American colonies became American states that are part of a republic. If the American republic were to be replaced by an American empire, then America would have a historical path similar to the path of ancient Rome. In that regard, America could potentially be referred to as the Revived Roman Empire.

Not only is the republican form of government of the United States reminiscent of the Roman Republic, but there is Roman-related symbology in the capital of the United States. In that regard, the fasces symbol, which involves a bundle of rods, is used in decorations in Washington, D.C. The fasces symbol also had been on dimes until a torch was used on dimes instead. Also, Roman architecture has had an influence on the architectural style of government buildings in the United States.

Daniel 9:27

“Then he has made a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he puts a stop to sacrifice and grain offering, and on the wing of abominations he is making desolate, even until a complete destruction. What is decreed is poured out on the one who makes desolate.”

Note: The week mentioned in Daniel 9:27 is Danielʼs seventieth week. Adding the seven years of that week to the 483 years referenced in Daniel 9:25 equals 490 years. Between the 483 years referenced in Daniel 9:25 and the seven years mentioned in Daniel 9:27 is the time of the Church Age. The Church Age was a mystery for believers before the Church Age.

In the context of this verse and the verses that precede it, the phrase the many refers to Israel. Also, some synonyms for the word covenant include agreement and deal. Regarding that, the king of the West will initially be very friendly towards Israel. Also, making a covenant with Israel is a big deal. In that regard, it is possible that people will perceive the king of the West as being a huge deal-maker.

After three and a half years, the king of the West will break his promise, thereby violating the agreement. In other words, he will nullify the deal. In addition, he will cause desolation. In that regard, unspecified in this verse and the surrounding verses is to what the phrase the wing of abominations refers. Regardless of to what that phrase refers, the king of the West will be causing destruction. Also, he himself will experience destruction. That destruction will occur when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth on the occasion of the Second Advent.

As shown in the notes further above, the Church Age is a dispensation separate from the Age of Israel. The distinction between those two dispensations is relevant because as long as Church Age believers remain on the earth, the Church Age is still the dispensation that will be occurring. Upon the removal of Church Age believers at the Rapture, the Church Age will end, and the Age of Israel will resume.

Also, the distinction between the Church Age and Danielʼs seventieth week, which is the last seven years of the Age of Israel, is important for recognizing the difference between the Rapture and the Second Advent. The Rapture will be at the end of the Church Age, and the Second Advent will be at the end of the Age of Israel. Because all believers will be removed from the earth on the occasion of the Rapture, the believers who will be alive on the earth when the Rapture occurs will escape the Tribulation. 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11 covers that topic.

During the time that the Tribulation will be occurring on the earth, Church Age believers will be evaluated by the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ, which is also known as the Bema [BAY-muh] Seat. That evaluation is referenced in the content of 1 Corinthians 3:11–15 and also in 2 Corinthians 5:10. Both 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians were epistles from Paul to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. In that regard, the content of those verses refers to believers.

1 Corinthians 3:11–15

Indeed, no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each manʼs work will become evident, for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire. Therefore, the fire itself will test of what sort each manʼs work is. If any manʼs work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any manʼs work is burned up, he will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved—yet so as through fire.

2 Corinthians 5:10

Indeed, we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for the things through the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

Note: The Koine Greek noun translated as "Judgment Seat" in this verse is βήματος [pronounced BAY-mah-tahs and transliterated as bēmatos]. That noun is an inflected form of the root word βῆμα [pronounced BAY-mah and transliterated as bēma]. The word transliterated as bēma is the word from which the term Bema Seat is derived.

During the Tribulation, fallen angels will cause trouble on the earth, the topic of which is covered in the content of Revelation 9. Fallen angels are con artists. Fallen angels can also be referred to as demons. Like the human villains in Scooby-Doo cartoons, fallen angels pretend to be things other than what the fallen angels really are: manipulative narcissists. For example, fallen angels pretend to be ghosts. Fallen angels also pretend to be good spirits. In that regard, fallen angels target people who are into New Ageism. In addition, fallen angels pretend to be gods. Fallen angels also pretend to be aliens that are some sort of extraterrestrial visitors other than what the fallen angels really are. In that regard, fallen angels could even pretend to be ancient human astronauts or other human spacefarers. Furthermore, fallen angels pretend to be good angels, as per the content of 2 Corinthians 11:14–15. Also, fallen angels mix truth with lies, and they omit information. Satan did that to Ishshah [ish-SHAW] (the name of Eve before Adam renamed her Eve) when Satan tricked her in the Garden of Eden.

With regard to fallen angels pretending to be ancient human astronauts, other human spacefarers, or other extraterrestrial visitors, it is possible that after the Rapture, some people will try to explain the disappearance of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ as having been the result of extraterrestrials abducting or destroying all of the believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, it is possible that some people will try to explain the disappearance of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ as having been the result of the believers in the Lord Jesus Christ being annihilated by some means other than by fallen angels or the result of something else other than the Rapture. In addition, fallen angels might have access to advanced technology that enables the fallen angels to produce realistic-looking images like holograms. Also, fallen angels might have access to advanced technology that enables the fallen angels to cause people to have hallucinations.

During the Tribulation, some fallen angels will be released from a place of imprisonment under the surface of the earth. The fallen angel who will be leading those fallen angels is referred to two names: Abaddon and Apollyon. The name Abaddon means “destruction.” The name Apollyon means “destroyer.” At first, no fallen angels will kill any people. Instead, the fallen angels will cause suffering like that caused by a scorpionʼs sting. That topic is covered in Revelation 9:1–12. After five months, fallen angels will be released from a place of imprisonment at the Euphrates River, and those angels will kill people. That topic is covered in Revelation 9:13–19. There will be approximately 200 million fallen angels doing so. Unspecified in the Bible is what the population of the earth will be at that time. One third of mankind, the population of which will already have been reduced to a level 75% of what it had been at the time of the Rapture, will be killed by the fallen angels. That 75% level will be a result of one fourth of mankind being killed by means of fighting, famine, an unspecified cause of death simply referred to as death, and animals. That latter topic is covered by Revelation 6:8. In that verse, the reference to fighting involves the use of a word that can be translated as “sword,” which can be a metaphorical reference to fighting involving weaponry. Regarding animals, it is possible that that could involve animals that lived in the wild before the Rapture, and it is possible that that could include such animals as well domesticated animals that become wild or zoo animals that have escaped or some combination thereof. Regarding the people who survive death by animals, it is possible that such people will be equipped for dealing with lathe animals. Such people might, for example, have rifles chambered in the .450 Bushmaster caliber such that they are able to deal with animals of sizes up to the largest bears. They might even have rifles chambered in elephant-gun calibers such that they are able to deal with animals of sizes up to elephants. Also, they might have Model 1911 pistols chambered in the 10mm caliber such they are able to defend themselves if they encounter at close quarters animals of sizes up to the largest bears.

After the fallen angels will kill the people remaining after the deaths caused by fighting, famine, an unspecified cause, and animals, the population of mankind will be approximately 50% of what it had been at the time of the Rapture. After all of those deaths, there will be people who remain on the earth who will choose to refrain from changing their ways. That topic is covered by Revelation 9:20–21. Below is content related to those two verses.

Revelation 9:20–21

The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent / change their minds regarding the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk, and they did not repent / change their minds regarding their murders nor their pharmakōn [fahr-mah-KOHN] nor their porneias [pohr-NAY-ahs] nor their thefts.

Note: The word pharmakōn is a plural form of the word pharmakeia [far-mah-KAY-ah]. The Koine Greek noun that is transliterated as pharmakeia [far-mah-KAY-ah] is φαρμακεία. That noun refers to the use or the administering of drugs and what people claim to be magical spells (“sorcery”). The foregoing can be related to each other and can be all wrapped up together. The Koine Greek noun that is transliterated as pharmakeia is derived from the Koine Greek noun φαρμακεύς [pronounced fahr-mah-KYOOS and transliterated as pharmakeus]. The noun transliterated as pharmakeus refers to a person who prepares things such as drugs, things such as poisons, and things such as potions that are claimed to involve magical spells. Such a person can also be referred to as a druggist or a pharmacist. The Koine Greek noun that is transliterated as pharmakeus is derived from the Greek noun φάρμακον [pronounced FAHR-mah-kahn and transliterated as pharmakon]. The noun transliterated as pharmakon refers to a drug such as a potion, including one that is claimed to be somehow associated with a magical spell. The English word pharmacy is derived from the Greek word pharmakon.

Regarding pharmakeia [far-mah-KAY-ah] used in reference to drugs, that usage of pharmakeia can refer to either the use of drugs or the administering of drugs. In that regard, the use of mind-altering drugs can be similar to spell-casting. Regarding pharmakeia and magical spells, pharmakeia can involve activities associated with idolatry. Also, the use of mind-altering drugs could potentially make an unbeliever susceptible to demon possession, which is control of an unbeliever by one or more demons. Demons are also known as fallen angels. Fallen angels are con artists. Like the human villains in Scooby-Doo cartoons, fallen angels pretend to be things other than what the fallen angels really are: manipulative narcissists. Ways in which fallen angels could be like human villains in Scooby-Doo cartoons include the fallen angels pretending to be ghosts, good spirits, gods, and extraterrestrial visitors other than what the fallen angels really are (including pretending to be ancient human astronauts or other human spacefarers). Also, fallen angels pretend to be good angels, as per the content of 2 Corinthians 11:14–15.

With regard to whether any given substance or concoction of substances can be categorized as pharmakeia [far-mah-KAY-ah], the connotation of that word involves things that are claimed to have beneficial effects when those things lack such claimed beneficial effects. In addition, the connotation of pharmakeia can involve a substance or concoction of substances that is toxic. The connotation of pharmakeia can even involve a level of toxicity that can be described as poisonous. Regarding the matter of poisonousness, it is possible that pharmakeia can be used to refer to a substance or concoction of substances that is inadvertently poisonous or to a substance or concoction of substances that someone deliberating designs as a poison.

Regarding the matter of the reference to pharmakeia [far-mah-KAY-ah] in Galatians 5:20, e believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should refrain from using mind-altering drugs. Rather than giving the user of such drugs something akin to magical powers, those drugs incapacitate a person. A believer needs to be sober minded instead of being incapacitated.

Also, if a person is looking for happiness from the sensory experience or any other effects of any substance, that person is looking for happiness from something other than the Trinity. This applies whether the substance is categorized as a drug or categorized as something else. As mentioned further above, looking for happiness from something other than the Trinity is a form of idolatry. In addition, drugs and other substances can be addictive. Whether a person is using a drug in order to experience something akin to magical powers or in order to try to find happiness from the sensory experience of using the drug, the addiction that results can cause a domino effect of negative consequences for the life of that person. In that regard, trying to make oneʼs happiness dependent on substances is self-destructive. In addition, drug use can cause a domino effect of negative consequences for people other than the one who uses drugs or misuses substances of any kind, including sugar. In that regard, using drugs and misusing substances of any kind are self-absorbed activities—in other words, they are narcissistic activities.

Also regarding the matter of the reference to pharmakeia [far-mah-KAY-ah] in Galatians 5:20, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should refrain from designing, producing, selling, recommending, or doing anything else that involves people using a substance or concoction of substances that can be categorized as pharmakon [FAHR-mah-kahn]. Furthermore, a believer should refrain from making false claims about the benefits of a substance or concoction of substances, whether that believer designs, produces, sells, recommends, or does anything else involving those substances or concoctions of substances. A person who does any of the things described in those two preceding sentences is guilty of participating in the deception of pharmakeia.

The word porneias is a plural form of the word porneia [pohr-NAY-ah]. Any type of sexual activity other than that which is an expression of lifelong commitment to someone is a type of sexual activity described by the word porneia. In that regard, a person who participates in sexual activity with a person without having first obtained from that person a formal legal commitment of a lifelong partnership involving only those two people, then the person who participates in that sexual activity is risking committing porneia because if the other person is actually uncommitted to a lifelong partnership involving only those two people, then that sexual activity is porneia. Also, if two believers are both committed to a lifelong partnership involving only those two believers, it is important that those two believers make clear to everyone aware of those two believers that the relationship of those two believers indeed involves commitment to a lifelong partnership involving only those two believers. In that regard, if those two believers refrain from making clear to everyone aware of those two believers that the relationship of those two believers involves commitment to a lifelong partnership involving only those two believers, then the relationship of those two believers reflects negatively upon the message that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior Who was judged for the sins of humanity. The way that such a relationship reflects negatively upon the message that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior Who was judged for the sins of humanity is that if those two believers appear to be in a relationship that lacks commitment to a lifelong partnership involving only those two believers, then those two believers appear to be selfish.

Regarding inappropriate sexual activity in general, porneia covers a broad category of sins. In that regard, there are various types of porneia. Also, it is better to stay away from temptations to commit porneia than to remain in circumstances that involve temptation to commit porneia. Likewise, it is better to refrain from reading, viewing, or listening to anything that celebrates or condones porneia than to remain in circumstances that involve reading, viewing, or listening to anything that celebrates or condones porneia.

Regarding sinning, once a believer commits a sin after salvation, that believer is no longer filled with the power of God the Holy Spirit and is out of fellowship with the Trinity. After that believer has confessed/acknowledged to God the Father all of that believerʼs known unconfessed post-salvation sins, fellowship with the Trinity and the filling with the power of the Holy Spirit are restored. The procedure for confessing/acknowledging to God the Father all of oneʼs known unconfessed post-salvation sins is mentioned in 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Fellowship with God the Father and God the Son is mentioned in 1 John 1. Being out of fellowship with God the Holy Spirit is referenced in Ephesians 4:30. In that regard, when a believer sins, that believer grieves the Holy Spirit. Losing the filling of the power of God the Holy Spirit is referenced in 1 Thessalonians 5:19. In that regard, when a believer sins, the power of God the Holy Spirit is quenched in that believer. After a believer has confessed/acknowledged to God the Father all of that believerʼs known unconfessed post-salvation sins, that believer is then filled with the power of God the Holy Spirit again and in fellowship with the Trinity again.

During the Tribulation, Satan and the other fallen angels who have access to Heaven will be kicked out of Heaven and banished to the earth. Revelation 12:7–9 covers that topic. Regarding those verses, the content of Revelation 12 metaphorically refers to the devil as a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven diadems on the heads.

Revelation 12:7–9

Then there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in Heaven. Then the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

As mentioned further above, the number seven can be used to symbolically represent completeness. Regarding the number seven being used to represent completeness, below is content related to 2 Peter 3:8. In that content is content related to Hebrews 4:8–9.

2 Peter 3:8

Nevertheless, do not be ignorant of this one thing, beloved: that from the Lord / with the Lord / in the sight of the Lord, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day.

Note: Regarding the usage of quantities involving the word thousand, large quantities are referenced in the Bible by means of thousands. In that regard, the only two instances of quantities involving the word million in the Bible are expressed by means of the use of the word thousand. One of those instances is in the Old Testament, and the other instance is in the New Testament. The reference in the Old Testament involves expressing one million as a thousand thousands. In that regard, the content of 2 Chronicles 14:9 references three hundred thousand members of the Israelite tribe of Judah and two hundred and eighty thousand members of the Israelite tribe of Benjamin—a total of five hundred and eighty thousand—defeating one million Cushites. The Cushites were descended from a grandson of Noah. That grandson was named Cush. The father of Cush was Ham. Where the land Cush was located is uncertain. The reference in the New Testament involves expressing two hundred million as twenty thousand of ten thousands. In that regard, the content of Revelation 9:16 references two hundred million fallen angels being released from a place of imprisonment at the Euphrates River during the Tribulation. Those angels will kill people during the Tribulation. Also, absent from the Bible is any reference to a quantity of a billion or more.

The Millennium—the time that the Lord Jesus Christ will rule on the earth—will be one thousand years long. In that regard, the content of Hebrews 4:8–9 covers the topic of Joshuaʼs leading of Israelites into the Promised Land not resulting in a complete rest for the Israelites in the Promised Land. The Promised Land is the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the Israelites. The complete rest for Israelites in the Promised Land will start on the occasion of the Second Advent. Below is content related to Hebrews 4:8–9.

Hebrews 4:8

Indeed, if Joshua had given them rest, He would not have spoken of another day after that.

Note: The complete rest that Israelites will experience in the Promised Land will occur during the Millennium, the 1,000-year reign of the Lord on the earth.

Hebrews 4:9

Therefore, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.

Note: Under the regulations of the Mosaic Law, every seventh day was a Sabbath day, and every seventh year was a Sabbath year. The term Mosaic Law refers to the laws communicated by Moses to the ancient Israelites. Because Moses communicated those laws, they are known collectively as the Mosaic Law. The Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the Mosaic Law by being judged on the cross for the sins of humanity. Now that the Lord Jesus Christ has fulfilled the Mosaic Law, no believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are under the regulations of the Mosaic Law. The topic of the Sabbath year is referenced in Exodus 23:10–11 and Leviticus 25:1–7. The topic of the Sabbath day is referenced in Exodus 23:12. Also, every fiftieth year was a Sabbath year. That year is known as the Year of Jubilee. In that regard, every forty-ninth year was also a Sabbath year; therefore, there would be two Sabbath years in a row during the time spanning every forty-ninth and fiftieth year. The topic of the Year of Jubilee is referenced in Leviticus 25:8–17. In addition, there were Sabbath days on certain days of the year each year. Those Sabbath days occurred during the times of celebrations of feasts that were part of the regulations of the Mosaic Law. Under the regulations of the Mosaic Law, there were seven feasts that the Israelites were supposed to celebrate each year.

Regarding the word Sabbath in Hebrews 4:9, the content of Hebrews 4:8 provides context for Hebrews 4:9. Because the context provided by the content of verse 8 involves the 1,000-year-long Millennium, the content of verse 9 indicates that the Millennium will be a Sabbath Millennium. That means that there are six other millennia that precede the Sabbath Millennium, which means that human history will be 7,000 years long.

Below are some links to Bible content. In that regard, the New American Standard Bible 1995 (NASB95) translation is somewhat literal. The Youngʼs Literal Translation (YLT) is very literal. The YLT was produced in the late 1800s by the Scottish publisher Robert Young. The tenses of the verbs in the YLT version are sometimes different than the tenses of the verbs in some other English translations. In that regard, the YLT version is more literal, and some other translations involve more paraphrasing. While the YLT version sometimes involves less smooth reading, it is useful for seeing verb tenses used in the Old Testament. The New English Translation (NET) is somewhat literal, and it has many footnotes related to the translations contained in the NET Bible content.

Below are links to content involving the NASB95 translation of The Gospel According to John. The links are to the BLB Classic and Blue Letter Bible websites. BLB Classic is the classic version of the Blue Letter Bible website. The name of that website is related to links being the color blue. There are various translations of the Bible at the BLB Classic and Blue Letter Bible websites, including some non-English translations.

Below is another link to content involving the NASB95 translation of The Gospel According to John. The link is to the Bible Gateway website, which has many translations of the Bible, including non-English translations.

Below is a link to content involving the NET Bible version of The Gospel According to John. The NET Bible website has the New English Translation (NET) and some other translations and some notes. The NET version is also among the versions at the BLB Classic, Blue Letter Bible, and Bible Gateway websites. Notes can be found on the right half of the webpage at the below link. In that notes section, the links “NET Notes” and “Constableʼs Notes” each display separate sets of notes when one of those links is clicked.

There is also a classic version of the NET Bible website. The classic version of the NET Bible website has maps at the below link.

Below are parts of the Bible that could be worthwhile to study initially.

Daniel 7:7–8

The content in the above verses involves metaphorical language referencing the king of the West, the ruler of the most powerful western nation during the seven-year time period known as the Tribulation. The second half of the Tribulation can be called the Great Tribulation because of the intensity of the suffering that will occur during that time period. The number of days in each of the years referenced in Daniel 7:7–8 might be in accordance with a Hebrew calendar rather than a calendar that has 365 days in a regular year and 366 days in a leap year. Some explanations regarding the metaphorical language of Daniel 7:7–8 are in Daniel 7:19–26.

Daniel 7:9–10

The content in the above verses references God the Father.

Daniel 7:11

The content in the above verse references the king of the West.

Daniel 7:12

The content in the above verse references powerful rulers in past history.

Daniel 7:13–14

The content in the above verses references God the Son and God the Father. God the Son is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Daniel 7:15–17

The content in the above verse references powerful rulers in past history.

Daniel 7:18

The content in the above verse references believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Daniel 7:19–26

The content in the above verses references the king of the West.

Daniel 9:24–27

As mentioned further above, the content in the above verses references the seven years of the Tribulation and the king of the West making a covenant/deal with Israel and the king of the West nullifying that covenant/deal in the middle of the Tribulation. In that regard, the king of the West will initially be pro-Israel, but he will turn against Israel in the middle of the Tribulation.

2 Thessalonians 2:1–12

The content in the above verses references the king of the West. Regarding the translation of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, the Koine [KOI-nay] Greek word ἀποστασία [pronounced ah-pah-stah-SEE-ah] should be translated as “departure” instead of “apostasy” in this verse because there is an absence of any wording involving the word of followed by a noun. In that regard, if there were wording that could be translated as “of faith” after ἀποστασία, then ἀποστασία and that wording after it could be translated as “apostasy” because the word apostasy means “departure of faith.” In the context of 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12, the departure referenced in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is the Rapture. In that regard, the identity of the king of the west will be revealed after the Rapture.

Revelation 6:2

The content in the above verse references a man riding on a white horse. This could be a metaphorical reference to the king of the West. In that regard, it is possible that people will perceive the king of the West as a hero on a white horse.

Isaiah 45:1

Some people people have compared the person who was the 45th chief executive of a certain country to the person mentioned in the above verse. Coincidentally, Isaiah is sandwiched between Isaiah 44 and Isaiah 46.

Isaiah 44:9

People who make idols are referenced in the above verse.

Isaiah 46:1

The burdensomeness of idols is referenced in the above verse.

Isaiah 46:6

The manufacturing of an idol is referenced in the above verse.

Isaiah 47

The person referenced in Isaiah 45:1 is referenced in Isaiah 47. If the person who was the 45th chief executive of a certain country were to become the chief executive of that country as a result of being elected in the second election after having been first elected to that office, then that person would coincidentally become the 47th chief executive of that country. Also, the content of Isaiah 47 references ancient Babylon, and that reference to ancient Babylon is coincidentally related to Revelation 17–18.

Revelation 17–18

The content in the above verses references a group of corrupt powerful people collectively referred to as Babylon. Content in Revelation 17 also metaphorically refers to that group as the great harlot, and content in Revelation 18 references that metaphor. The content of Revelation 17:3 and Revelation 17:7 indicates that the king of the West will have been associated with that group of powerful people. The content of Revelation 17:16–17 references the king of the West and subordinates of him defeating the group known as Babylon. Content in Revelation 17 and Revelation 18 references that powerful group having been influencing rulers. The content of Revelation 18:23 references that powerful group of people deceiving many people by means of φαρμακείᾳ [far-mah-KAY-ah / pharmakeia] of that powerful group of people (Revelation 18:23). The destruction of the group known as Babylon is referenced in Revelation 18:20–24.

Isaiah 47:8–12

The content in the above verses references sorceries in association with ancient Babylon. Coincidentally, the word φαρμακείᾳ [far-mah-KAY-ah / pharmakeia] that is used in reference to the group known as Babylon in the content of Revelation 18:23 is translated as “sorceries” in some English translations.

Matthew 24:1–44

The content in the above verses contains warnings that are useful for people living during the Tribulation. Specific warnings are found in the below verses.

Matthew 24:4–5

Matthew 24:11

Matthew 24:15–31 (the content of 1 Corinthians 11:14–15 relates to Matthew 24:23)

Mark 13:1–37

The content in the above verses also contains warnings that are useful for people living during the Tribulation. Specific warnings are found in the below verses.

Mark 13:5–6

Mark 13:9–11

Mark 13:14–26 (the content of 1 Corinthians 11:14–15 relates to Mark 13:21)

Mark 13:32–37

Luke 17:22–23 (the content of 1 Corinthians 11:14–15 relates to Luke 17:23)

Luke 21:1–38

The content in the above verses also contains warnings that are useful for people living during the Tribulation. Specific warnings are found in the below verses.

Luke 21:8 (the content of 1 Corinthians 11:14–15 relates to this verse)

Luke 21:12–18

Luke 21:20–28

Luke 21:34–36

Revelation 13:1–10

The content in the above verses involves metaphorical language referencing the king of the West. That content refers to the king of the West as the beast. The king of the west is known as the Antichrist with a capital A. Regarding the content of Revelation 13:3, it is worthwhile to note that rather than that content referencing the beast being slain, that content references one of the metaphorical heads of the beast looking as though it had been slain. Regarding the dragon referenced in Revelation 13:1–4, the word dragon in that content refers to Satan, the fallen angel who led other angels to revolt against God the Father. In the content of Revelation 13:8, the phrase the Lamb Who has been slain in this verse is a metaphorical reference to the Lord Jesus Christ. The phrase whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb Who has been slain is a reference to unbelievers. Regarding the phrase All types and the word All in the above translation of Revelation 13:8, the Koine Greek adjective that can be translated “All types” or “All” in Revelation 13:8 is πάντες [pronounced PAHN-tehs and transliterated as pantes]. That word is an inflected form of the root word πᾶς [pronounced PAHS and transliterated as pas]. In the context of that verse, the adjective pas is used as a pronoun. Also, the word pas has a variety of meanings. For example, pas can be used to refer to everything, to all types of things, or to all things of a specific type. Regarding the usage of pas in Revelation 13:8, it is possible that all types of unbelievers will express reverence toward / do homage to / worship the Antichrist, and it is also possible that all unbelievers will express reverence toward / do homage to / worship the Antichrist. Regarding believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the content of Revelation 20:4 provides context. In that regard, the content of Revelation 20:4 indicates that some people will be killed for refraining from expressing reverence toward / doing homage to / worshiping the Antichrist.

Ezekiel 28:12–19

The content in the above verses references the fall of Satan by means of a double reference that also references the king of Tyre. Before Satan fell, he had a special function as a type of angel known as a cherub. Regarding the fall of Satan and the angels that joined him in rebelling against God the Father, before human human history began, the angelic conflict started. The angelic conflict is the conflict between the Trinity and the elect angels on one side and Satan and the fallen angels on the other side. This conflict has been raging for a long time, and it began sometime before the creation of mankind. How long the angelic conflict has been raging is unspecified in the Bible. Also, the specific means by which the struggle of the angelic conflict is waged is unspecified in the Bible. Whatever is the specific nature of that struggle, human beings were evidently created to resolve the angelic conflict. In that regard, it appears that at least one aspect of the angelic conflict involves argumentation and attempts at persuasion, such as in a court case. For example, when, in the Garden of Eden, the first woman was tricked by the serpent—whether the references to a serpent in Genesis 3 are metaphorical references to Satan appearing in a form other than that of a serpent or of something like a serpent or whether the references to a serpent in Genesis 3 are literal references to Satan appearing in the form of a serpent or of something like a serpent or whether the references to a serpent in Genesis 3 are literal references to Satan controlling a literal serpent—Satan persuaded the first woman to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Later, Satan caused Job to experience suffering. Later still, Satan tried to persuade the Lord Jesus Christ to sin. The Biblical accounts of those occasions indicate that Satan was arguing and trying to persuade.

Job 38:1–7

The content in the above verses references angels watching the creation of the earth. They are referred to as sons of God in that passage.

Genesis 1:1

The content in the above verse references the creation of the heavens and the earth.

Isaiah 45:18

The content in the above verse also references the creation of the heavens and the earth. In Isaiah 45:18 is the Hebrew word, the root form of which can be transliterated as tohuw [TOH-hoo]. Some translations of that word include “formlessness,” “emptiness,” “wasteland,” and “place of chaos.” In that regard, the content of Isaiah indicates that the earth was not tohuw when the earth was created.

Genesis 1:2

The content in the above verse indicates that the earth was tohuw; therefore, the earth became tohuw sometime after it was created because the content of Isaiah 45:18 indicates that the earth was not created tohuw. Also, Job 38:1–7 covers the matter of angels shouting for joy when the earth was formed. Absent from that passage is anything referencing the angels existing when the heavens were created.

Genesis 3:1–15

The content in the above verses references Satan by means of references to a serpent—whether the references to a serpent are metaphorical references to Satan appearing in a form other than that of a serpent or of something like a serpent or whether the references to a serpent are literal references to Satan appearing in the form of a serpent or of something like a serpent or whether the references to a serpent are literal references to Satan controlling a literal serpent—persuading the first woman to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The content of Genesis 3:15 involves a prophecy about the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and about Him being judged for the sins of humanity. In that regard, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Seed of the woman because He was born without a human father. Bruising/crushing the head of the serpent is a reference to the Lord Jesus Christʼs strategic victory of defeating Satan in the angelic conflict. That strategic victory occurred when the Lord was punished on the cross for all of humanityʼs sins. The bruising/crushing of the Lordʼs heel is also a reference to the Lord being punished on the cross for all of humanityʼs sins. The Lord suffered that punishment as a human being and then died physically, but He was later resurrected.

Genesis 3:16–24

The content in the above verses references what occurred after Adam and Eve sinned. The Genesis 3:21 content that references the provision of garments in the form of animal skin for Adam and Eve contrasts with the Genesis 3:7 content that references the garments of fig leaves that Adam and Eve had made for themselves. In that regard, the fact that the attempt by Adam and Eve to clothe themselves was inadequate teaches that peopleʼs attempts to obtain eternal life by means of their own righteousness is inadequate. Also, the fact that the death of an innocent animal occurred in order to provide the animal-skin garments for Adam and Eve teaches that the means of obtaining eternal life involves the innocent Man Jesus Christ being judged for the sins of humanity. Regarding the content of Genesis 3:1–15 and Genesis 3:16–24, the Lord Jesus Christ had to be born as a human being without a sinful nature, and the Lord had to refrain from sinning. Satan tried to interfere both with the Lord Jesus Christ being born as a human and with the Lord Jesus Christ refraining from sinning.

Genesis 6:1–4

The content in the above verses references Satanʼs attempt to interfere with the Lord Jesus Christ being born as a human. That attempt involved fallen angels mated with human females, and thereby causing the existence of creatures that were half angel and half human. Those half-angel, half-human hybrids are known as the Nephilim [NEHF-ih-lihm]. The word Nephilim can be translated as “fallen ones.” In Numbers 13:1–31, humans rather than half-angel, half-human hybrids are referenced by means of the word Nephilim.

The below notes reference the Promised Land. The Promised Land is the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the Israelites. At the time the Israelites entered it, the land was inhabited by Canaanites. In that regard, that land can also be referred to as the land of Canaan.

God the Fatherʼs promise of land to Abraham is part of God the Fatherʼs promises to Abraham. Also, the content of Genesis 12:3 involves some of God the Fatherʼs promises to Abraham. God the Fatherʼs promises to Abraham are called the Abrahamic Covenant. The Abrahamic Covenant is for Abraham, Abrahamʼs son Isaac, Abrahamʼs grandson Jacob, and the people descended from Jacob. Jacob was renamed Israel. In that regard, the people descended from Jacob can be referred to as Israelites. Regarding Genesis 12:3, below is content related to Genesis 12:1–3.

Genesis 12:1

Now Jehovah / Yahweh / I am I am / the existing One says to Abram, “Go away from your country and from your relatives and from your fatherʼs house to the land which I show you,

Note: At the time described in Genesis 12:1, Abraham was still named Abram. In this verse, the uses of a present tense in the phrase says to Abram and the phrase which I show you are references to what has occurred in the past. Such uses of a present tense have a rhetorical effect. In that regard, using a verb in a present tense to refer to the past can help a reader or hearer of the Word of God imagine past events as though the reader or hearer is watching those events as they occur.

Genesis 12:2

and I make you a great nation, and I bless you, and make your name great, and you be a blessing,

Note: The uses of a present tense in the verbs of this verse are references to the future.

Genesis 12:3

and I bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I curse, and in you all the families of the earth have been blessed.”

Note: The use of the perfect tense in the phrase have been blessed is a reference to the future. Such a use of the perfect tense has a rhetorical effect. In that regard, why would verbs in the perfect tense be used to refer to what will happen in the future? Doing so in reference to something being indicated can communicate that what will occur in the future is 100% certain to happen and that because it is 100% certain to happen, it is as though it has happened already. In that regard, the phrase in you all the families of the earth have been blessed indicated that it was 100% certain that the Savior would be descended from Abraham and that people of all racial groups would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior.

The Abrahamic Covenant also involves promises related to land for Israelites. Those promises will be completely fulfilled when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth on the occasion of the Second Advent. Below is a list of topics and related verses involving the land for Israelites.

The land promise to Abraham when he was still named Abram is in Genesis 13:14–16.

The dimensions of the land promise are referenced in Genesis 15:18–21.

The confirmation of the promise to Isaac is in Genesis 26:3–4.

The confirmation of the promise to Jacob and the Israelites is in Genesis 35:12.

The fact that the promise of land was given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the Israelites was communicated to Moses, and Moses communicated that fact to the Israelites whom he led in the Exodus out of Egypt. That topic is covered in Exodus 6:2–9.

Numbers 13:1–31

The content in the above verses involves Moses sending twelve men to spy out the Promised Land. Ten of those scouts succumbed to fear of people who were in the Promised Land. As a result, those scouts gave a bad report about the Promised Land. In giving that bad report, those scouts referred to the sons of Anak as Nephilim. In that regard, the usage of the word Nephilim was an expression of those ten scoutsʼ opinion rather than something God the Father wanted to be communicated.

1 Peter 3:18–20

The content in the above verses references the fallen angels who had mated with human females. That content also references the Lord Jesus Christ being judged on the cross for the sins of humanity. In addition, that content references the Lord Jesus Christʼs victory in the angelic conflict. Greek mythology, Roman mythology, and other mythology involve references to gods and demigods which are reminiscent of fallen angels and Nephilim, respectively. The descriptions of gods in such mythology involves descriptions of narcissistic behavior. Similarly, fallen angels are manipulative narcissists. As mentioned further above, like the human villains in Scooby-Doo cartoons, fallen angels pretend to be things other than what the fallen angels really are.

The location of the prison mentioned in 1 Peter 3:19 is a compartment of Hades [HAY-deez]. The word Hades comes from Greek. A synonym for the word Hades is the word Sheol [SHEE-ohl]. The word Sheol comes from Hebrew. Sheol/Hades is somewhere under the surface of the earth in a location that is inaccessible to those humans who have not yet experienced physical death. Sheol/Hades can also be referred to as the netherworld. Also, the phrase the netherworld can alternatively be spelled as the nether world. The word nether means “located down or below.” Sheol/Hades is different from the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire is the place of judgment for the fallen angels and those who never believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. Unspecified in the Bible is the location of the Lake of Fire.

Before the Lord Jesus Christʼs resurrection and ascension to Heaven, deceased believers in the Lord Jesus Christ resided in a pleasant compartment of Hades called Paradise and also called Abrahamʼs Bosom. After the Lord was resurrected and He ascended to Heaven, the believers who were in Abrahamʼs Bosom were transferred to Heaven. Now that the Lord has been resurrected and has ascended to Heaven, deceased believers go to Heaven rather than going to Abrahamʼs Bosom. Unspecified in the Bible are details about how believers were transferred to Abrahamʼs Bosom other than the content of Luke 16:22 mentioning angels carrying the poverty-stricken believer named Lazarus to Abrahamʼs Bosom. Also, unspecified in the Bible are details about how believers were transferred from Abrahamʼs Bosom to Heaven or how believers are transferred to Heaven. Paradise / Abrahamʼs Bosom is referenced in Luke 16:19–22.

Deceased unbelievers resided and still reside in a compartment of Hades called Torments. They will reside there until the Great White Throne Judgment of unbelievers, which will occur after the Lordʼs 1,000-year Millennial reign on the earth. Another compartment of Hades is Tartarus, which is where those fallen angels who mated with human females—as mentioned in Genesis 6—are currently incarcerated. Torments is referenced in Luke 16:23–26.

2 Peter 2:4–5

The content in the above verses also references the fallen angels who had mated with human females. In verse 4, the Koine Greek word translated as “Hell” in some English translations is ταρταρώσας [pronounced tar-tah-ROH-sahs and transliterated as tartarōsas]. That word is an inflected form of the root word ταρταρόω [pronounced tar-tah-RAH-oh and transliterated as tartaroō]. In that regard, the word tartarōsas could be translated as “Tartarus.” Regarding terminology, when people use the word hell, they might be referring to Hades/Sheol, and they might be referring to the Lake of Fire. Also, it is possible that some people are unaware that Hades and the Lake of Fire are different locations. There are zero indications in the Bible that Satan has a headquarters located in Hades or in the Lake of Fire.

Matthew 4:1–11

The content in the above verses references Satanʼs attempt to interfere with the Lord Jesus Christ refraining from sinning.

Luke 4:1–13

The content in the above verses also references Satanʼs attempt to interfere with the Lord Jesus Christ refraining from sinning.

Job 1–2

The content in the above chapters of Job references Satan causing Job to experience suffering. In both of those chapters, Satan is referred to as having been roaming about on the earth.

Revelation 13:11–18

The content in the above verses references the false prophet. The false prophet is known as the second beast. The content of Revelation 13:17 indicates that in order to be able to buy or to sell, people will be required to have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and that content also references the requirement that that mark be in the form of the name of the beast or the number of the beast. In that regard, it is possible that some of the people who refrain from receiving the mark of the beast will engage in commerce clandestinely. For example, maybe they will engage in bartering using using objects that people find valuable, such as pieces of gold jewelry or organic tobacco products. It is also possible that some of them will be able to survive by means of hunting or farming in remote areas. In that regard, the content of Matthew 24:15–18 and the content of Mark 13:14–16 cover the topic of the Lord Jesus Christ indicating that people in the land of Israel must flee to the mountains when the abomination of desolation that the Antichrist will cause to be located in the Temple in Jerusalem. Also, the content of Luke 21:20–22 covers the topic of the Lord Jesus Christ indicating that when people see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, those people must flee to the mountains.

Regarding the possibility of people who refrain from receiving the mark of the beast surviving by means of hunting or farming, they might, for example, have rifles chambered in the .450 Bushmaster caliber such that they are able to hunt animals of sizes up to the largest bears. They might even have rifles chambered in elephant-gun calibers such that they are able to hunt animals of sizes up to elephants. Also, they might have Model 1911 pistols chambered in the 10mm caliber such they are able to defend themselves if they encounter at close quarters animals of sizes up to the largest bears. They might also have .22-caliber rifles or .22-caliber pistols—or both—for hunting small game.

That content also references the number of the beast being 666 or 616. In Revelation 13:18, the phrase for the number is that of man indicates that the number of the beast is also the number of mankind. In that regard, if the number of the beast is 666 rather than 616, then it is possible that the number of the beast calls attention to the fact that mankind falls short of the Trinity. In that regard, the number seven can be used to symbolically represent completeness. Regarding the possibility of the number of the beast indicating falling short of the Trinity and the number of the beast also being the number of mankind, it is possible that the content of Revelation 13:18 indicates that the Antichrist is the most extreme example of a human who falls short of the Trinity. Because the Members of the Trinity are perfect and therefore unselfish, it is possible that the content of Revelation 13:18 indicates that Antichrist is the most extreme example of a selfish human.

Coincidentally, the content of 1 Kings 10:14 references King Solomon, the second king of Israel, receiving gold in the amount of 666 units known as talents. The content of the remainder of 1 Kings 10 involves the wealth of Solomon, including various gold objects. The content of 1 Kings 11 begins with the topic of Solomon turning away from the Trinity, and the content of 1 Kings 11 ends with the topic of Solomonʼs death. Regarding the content of 1 Kings 10 and 1 Kings 11, absent from that content is anything condemning being wealthy. Instead, that content condemns Solomonʼs turning away from the Trinity. In that regard, if the number of the beast is 666, it is possible that that number calls attention to the self-centeredness of the Antichrist and to the self-centeredness of those members of mankind who reject God the Fatherʼs gracious offer of the free gift of eternal life by believing that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior Who was judged on the cross for the sins of humanity is the means by which a person is able to have eternal life.

Daniel 12:1–12

The content in the above verses references the archangel Michael helping Israelites who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. In the content in the above verses, the extra 45 days referenced in verse 12 in comparison to the number of days referenced in verse 11 might refer to the first 45 days of the Millennium, the 1,000-year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth.

Ezekiel 38–39

The content in the above chapters of Ezekiel references the king of the North starting a war and sending his forces into the land of Israel. The king of the North is known as Gog of Magog. In ancient times, there was an Israelite named Gog who was a descendant of Reuben, one of the sons of Jacob (1 Chronicles 5:1–4). Also, there was a grandson of Noah named Magog who was the son of Japheth, one of the sons of Noah (Genesis 10:1–2 and 1 Chronicles 1:1–5). The king of the North will start a world war in which the forces of the king of the North, the king of the South, the kings of the East, and the king of the West will end up in Israel.

Daniel 11:36–40

The content in the above verses references the dictator of Palestine—in other words, a Jewish ruler of Israel. Regarding the content of Daniel 11:36–40 referring to a Jewish ruler rather than to the man who is the king of the West during the Tribulation, a king is referenced in Daniel 11:36 without anything in that verse indicating the identity of that king. Whereas absent from Daniel 11:36 is anything indicating the identity of that king, the content of Daniel 11:40 references two kings in terms of the geographic locations of those kingsʼ nations. In Daniel 11:40, the king of the South and the king of the North are referenced as fighting against the king who is referenced in Daniel 11:36. The terms South and North are used in reference to where Israel is located; therefore, the term king of the South refers to a ruler located south of Israel, and the term king of the North refers to a ruler located north of Israel. Absent from the content of Daniel 11:36–40 is anything indicating that the attacking occurs outside the land of Israel. In that regard, if the king of the west were the person referenced in Daniel 11:36, there would need to be a reference to the king of the West being in the land of Israel when the attacking referenced in Daniel 11:40 occurs. Absent from the content of Daniel 11:36–40 is anything indicating the king of the West being in the land of Israel when the attacking referenced in Daniel 11:40 occurs. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that the king referenced in Daniel 11:36 is a ruler of Israel.

Daniel 11:40–45

The content in the above verses references the forces of the king of the South invading Israel and fighting against the forces of the dictator of Palestine. The content in the above verses also references the forces of the king of the North invading Israel and invading Africa. The kings of the East are referenced in Daniel 11:44.

Revelation 16:12–16

The content in the above verses references the forces of the kings of the East crossing the dried-up Euphrates River and invading Israel. Those verses also cover the topic of the Battle of Armageddon. In that regard, the world war started by the king of the North will culminate in the Battle of Armageddon. In the Battle of Armageddon, the forces of the king of the North, the king of the South, the kings of the East, and the king of the West will converge on the land of Israel during warfare in the Middle East region.

Zechariah 14:1–7

In the content in the above verses, Jerusalem getting attacked by people of all the nations is referenced, and also referenced in the content of those verses is the Lord Jesus Christ standing on the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives splitting in half such that one part moves north and the other part moves south, and people fleeing eastward through the valley that will result from the splitting of the Mount of Olives. The occasion that those verses describe is the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. The First Advent occurred when the Lord Jesus Christ was born as a human. The Second Advent will occur at the end of the Tribulation. Also referenced in those verses is the Lord Jesus Christ being accompanied by believers in the Lord Jesus Christ from times before the Tribulation. In addition, the content in the above verses references light dwindling during the day on that occasion. In that regard, day will be darkened. Also on that occasion, night will be illuminated.

Zechariah 14:8–11

The content in the above verses references the Millennium.

Zechariah 14:12–15

The content in the above verses references what will happen to evil people on the occasion of the Second Advent.

Zechariah 14:16–21

The content in the above verses references the Millennium.

Jeremiah 30:1–24

The content in the above verses references the Tribulation and the restoration of all Israel.

Revelation 19:11–21

The content in the above verses references the Second Advent. In that regard, the content of Revelation 19:11 indicates that the Lord will be riding a white horse on the occasion of the Second Advent. Unspecified in the Bible is whether the Lord will be riding a literal horse or a vehicle that from the perspective of the apostle John could be described as a horse, including a flying vehicle that might resemble a flying motorcycle. In that regard, the visions that John had were described by John with words that were part of Johnʼs vocabulary. Also, when the Lord will be returning to the earth on the occasion of the Second Advent, the Lord will be amongst clouds. That topic is covered in Matthew 24:30; Matthew 26:64; Mark 13:26; Mark 14:62; and Luke 21:27. In contrast to the content of Revelation 19:11, the content of Revelation 6:2 indicates that the king of the West will seem to be a hero riding on a white horse. In that regard, the king of the West is a pseudo-savior—in other words, a false savior. After the Second Advent, the Lord will rule on the earth for the one thousand years of the Millennium. During the Millennium, Satan will be incarcerated in a prison known as the abyss.

Revelation 20:1–3

The content in the above verses references Satan being cast into the abyss. Unspecified in the Bible is whether the other fallen angels will be cast into the abyss. Regardless of whether they will be cast there along with Satan, the fallen angels wonʼt be causing any trouble during the Millennium. At the end of the Millennium, Satan will be released from the abyss.

While Satan will be imprisoned during the Millennium, there will be perfect environment on the earth, just as there was perfect environment in the Garden of Eden for Adam and Ishshah [ish-SHAW] (the name of Eve before Adam renamed her Eve). Regarding the Millennium, some of the people born during that time will disbelieve the gospel. In other words, they will disbelieve the good news of eternal life through believing that the Lord Jesus Christ was judged for the sins of humanity. Even though the people living during the Millennium will live during a time of perfect environment and when the Lord Jesus Christ Himself will be reigning on the earth with perfect justice, some of the people born during the Millennium will reject the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savor, just as some people have done throughout human history.

Psalm 46:9

The content in the above verse references absence of warfare during the Millennium.

Isaiah 2:4

The content in the above verse also references absence of warfare during the Millennium.

Jeremiah 23:5–6

The content in the above verses also references absence of warfare during the Millennium.

Jeremiah 33:15–16

The content in the above verses also references absence of warfare during the Millennium.

Hosea 2:18

The content in the above verse also references absence of warfare during the Millennium.

Micah 4:1–4

The content in the above verse also references absence of warfare during the Millennium.

Isaiah 11:1–5

The content in the above verses references the Lord Jesus Christ ruling with perfect justice during the Millennium.

Isaiah 35

The content in the above chapter references the perfect environment of the Millennium. In that chapter, the content of verses 3–6 references believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who will be alive at the end of the Tribulation.

Isaiah 11:6–9

The content in the above verses references animals being peaceful during the Millennium.

Isaiah 65:25

The content in the above verse references animals being peaceful during the Millennium.

Isaiah 65:20–22

The content in the above verses references long lifespans during the Millennium.

Isaiah 65:21–23

The content in the above verses references prosperity during the Millennium.

Revelation 20:7–8

The content in the above verses references Satan being released from the abyss. Just as Satan will be present on the earth causing trouble during the Tribulation, he will also be present on the earth causing trouble when he will be released from the abyss at the end of Millennium. On that occasion, he will persuade people to join him in his selfish endeavor of opposing the Trinity. In so doing, Satan will then lead the Gog and Magog Rebellion (also known as the Gog and Magog Revolution). The usage of the words Gog and Magog in reference to the rebellion led by Satan at the end of the Millennium might be a reference that provides a memory link to the king of the North during the Tribulation. Also, the reference to the king of the North as Gog of Magog might be a memory link to Gog and Magog of ancient times.

When Satan will lead the Gog and Magog Rebellion / Gog and Magog Revolution at the end of the Millennium, many people will follow him. Even though those people will have lived under the perfect reign of the Lord Jesus Christ in perfect environment, they will still choose to disbelieve that the means of eternal life is believing that the Lord Jesus Christ was punished for all of the sins of humanity. This teaches that perfect environment is not the solution to mankindʼs problems. In that regard, there is a lesson in that for the angels, for the angels watch the events of human history. Those events observed by angels include well-known events about which many humans become aware, but those events observed by angels also include experiences of individuals about whom many humans are unaware. In that regard, a person of humble circumstances who is frequently unselfish is an invisible hero in the angelic conflict.

Revelation 20:9–10

The content in the above verses references the Gog and Magog Rebellion. At the time of the Gog and Magog Rebellion, the Lord Jesus Christ will once again defeat Satan and his minions. Satan will then be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Revelation 20:11–15

The content in the above verses references the Lord Jesus Christ conducting the Great White Throne Judgment of unbelievers. After the Great White Throne Judgment of unbelievers, the unbelievers will then be cast into the Lake of Fire. The content of Matthew 25:41 also references the unbelievers being cast into the Lake of Fire. Also, the content of Matthew 25:41 indicates that the Lake of Fire has been prepared for Satan and the other fallen angels.

Revelation 21:1

The content in the above verse references a new heaven and a new earth and the passing away of the first heaven and the first earth. In this verse, either the atmosphere of the earth or both the atmosphere of the earth and outer space is to what the word heaven refers. Below is a summary of the different usages for the word heaven.

• The first heaven (also known as [aka] first heavens): the atmosphere of earth

• The second heaven (aka second heavens): outer space

• The Third Heaven (aka Third Heavens or simply as Heaven): the location of the throne room of God the Father

Also, there will be an absence of any sea on the new earth.

Revelation 21:2

The content in the above verse references the new Jerusalem, which will come down out of heaven.

Revelation 1–22

Regarding the content of the book Revelation, the YLT version has the word messenger to refer to an angel and the word messengers to refer to angels. Also, in Revelation 1:20, the YLT version has the word messengers to refer to pastor-teachers. Similarly, the YLT version has the word messenger to refer to a pastor-teacher in Revelation 2:1; Revelation 2:8; Revelation 2:12; Revelation 2:18; Revelation 3:1; Revelation 3:7; and Revelation 3:13. The NASB95 and NET Bible versions have the word angel to refer to a pastor-teacher in those verses.

Regarding praying, listed below are four steps for praying. Also, all prayer must be addressed to God the Father. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself indicated that all prayer must be addressed to God the Father. The content of Matthew 6:1–13 covers the Lord giving an example about how to pray. In that regard, the content of Matthew 6:9 covers the Lord commanding that prayers be addressed to God the Father. The content of Luke 11:1–4 also covers the Lord giving an example about how to pray. In that regard, the content of Luke 11:2 covers the Lord commanding that prayers be addressed to God the Father.

A good way to start a prayer is as follows: “Dear Heavenly Father.” Below are the steps.

(1) Confession: One must confess to God the Father any known post-salvation sins that one has committed since one last confessed oneʼs known post-salvation sins to God the Father—confessing only one time for each sin—in accordance with what is mentioned in 1 John 1:9:

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

(2) Thanksgiving: One should thank God the Father for His graciousness. Thanking Him for sending the Lord Jesus Christ to be judged on the cross for oneʼs sins and the sins of humanity is a good example of thanksgiving.

(3) Intercession: One can pray to God the Father on behalf of others.

(4) Petition: One can pray to God the Father on behalf of oneself.

There are no verses in the Bible that list that sequence for praying; nonetheless, it makes sense to make sure that one is in fellowship with God the Father before proceeding with any further communication, to then express appreciation to Him before making any requests, and to treat others as more important than oneself by making requests for them before making requests for oneself. Sometimes, there is obviously only sufficient time for a short prayer without all of the steps. In such a case, step 1 is still a necessary step because if one has committed known post-salvation sins for which one has not yet confessed to God the Father, one needs to confess those sins to Him before proceeding with the rest of the prayers.

Also, at the end of any prayer, it is good to say something like the following: “In the Lord Jesus Christʼs name, amen.” The word amen can be translated into English as “I believe it.” If the Lord Jesus Christ had not been judged on the cross for our sins, we would be unable to pray to God the Father. When one prays in the Lord Jesus Christʼs name, one is calling attention to His work on the cross that made praying to God the Father possible. Finishing a prayer in this way should even be done when confessing oneʼs sins without asking for anything.

Also, when asking God the Father for something—in other words, when praying to Him—whatever the believer requests must be consistent with God the Fatherʼs plan. Of course, details of God the Fatherʼs plan are at times unknown to a believer. In that regard, the believer needs to recognize that if whatever a believer requests in a prayer is not given to that believer, it could be that the prayer was inconsistent with God the Fatherʼs plan. Also, whenever a believer makes requests to God the Father when that believer is out of fellowship with the Trinity, whatever that believer requests might not be given to that believer.

When a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ prays to God the Father, that believer has a desire or motive behind that prayer. In that regard, how God the Father answers prayers can be categorized into four categories involving what God the Father answers positively and what He answers negatively. Listed below are those four categories regarding God the Fatherʼs answers to prayers.

1. Positive-Negative: God the Father gives a yes answer to the prayer but a no answer to the desire behind that prayer. For example, if a believer were to pray for a million dollars because that believer is seeking happiness from money, God the Father could permit that believer to have a million dollars, but God the Father could refrain from making that believer be happy. In such a situation, God the Father permits such a believer to experience self-induced misery.

2. Negative-Positive: God the Father gives a no answer to the prayer but a yes answer to the desire behind that prayer. For example, if a believer were to pray for a million dollars because that believer wants to help people with that money, God the Father could refrain from permitting that believer to have a million dollars, but God the Father could enable that believer to help people in some other way or ways.

3. Positive-Positive: God the Father gives a yes answer to both the prayer and the desire behind that prayer.

4. Negative-Negative: God the Father gives a no answer to both the prayer and the desire behind that prayer.

When praying for someone, it is important for a believer to keep in mind the content of 1 John 5:16. The content of that verse covers the topic of when a believer should refrain from praying for another believer. In that regard, below is content related to that verse.

1 John 5:16

If anyone sees his brother sinning sin not unto death, he shall request, and He shall give to him life to those sinning not unto death. There is sin unto death; I do not say that he should make request concerning this.

Note: In the phrase sinning sin not unto death in this verse, there is an absence of a definite article in front of the noun sin. Likewise, in the phrase There is sin unto death in this verse, there is also an absence of a definite article in front of the noun sin. In that regard, rather than this verse referring to some particular sin that is categorized as the sin unto death, this verse refers to sinning in general that results in what can be referred to as the sin unto death.

The sin unto death involves an early physical death. For a believer who physically dies after the Day of Pentecost [PEN-tih-kahst], that early physical death involves an early departure to Heaven. The Day of Pentecost was the beginning of the Church Age. The word Pentecost is derived from the Koine Greek word πεντηκοστή [pronounced pen-tay-kah-STAY and transliterated as pentēkostē]. That word is derived from the Koine Greek word πεντήκοντα [pronounced pen-TAY-kahn-tah and transliterated as pentēkonta], which means “fifty.” Therefore, the word Pentecost is derived from the fact that that day occurred fifty days after the Lord was resurrected. In that regard, the Church Age began fifty days after the Lord was resurrected. The Church Age will end with the Rapture. The Rapture involves both deceased and living believers in the Lord Jesus Christ meeting the Lord in the clouds in the atmosphere of the earth, receiving glorified immortal resurrection bodies similar to the Lord Jesus Christʼs glorified resurrection body, and going to Heaven with those resurrection bodies. Before the Rapture occurs, deceased believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are in Heaven without glorified bodies. Absent from the Bible is anything specifically indicating the precise date and time when the Rapture will occur, although it is possible that the Rapture will occur on the day of the Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah [yahm tuh-ROO-uh or yohm tuh-ROO-uh]—which is what some people call Rosh Hashanah and which some people celebrate for two days—the next occurrence of which will possibly be during September or October of 2025. The departure to Heaven of a believer who experiences the sin unto death is an early departure in the sense that it occurs at an earlier time than it would have occurred if the believer had regularly remained in fellowship with the Trinity. In that regard, if after a believer sins, that believer refrains from confessing/acknowledging that sin to God the Father, then that believer will remain out of fellowship with the Trinity. A believer who remains out of fellowship eventually becomes a reversionist. Such a believer reverts back to acting like unbelievers. Being a reversionistic believer is known as being involved in reversionism. Ultimately, if a believer continues to refrain from confessing/acknowledging to God the Father all of that believerʼs known unconfessed post-salvation sins, that believer will experience the sin unto death.

The amount of unconfessed post-salvation sins that results in the sin unto death can vary. It is even possible that a single sin on a single occasion is so bad that the believer committing that sin experiences the sin unto death. Based on the content of the Bible, it is logical to conclude that such a sin would be something egregious—in other words, something very bad.

Regarding a believer praying for a believer who is sinning, the believer doing the praying can pray to God the Father that God the Father have God the Son and God the Holy Spirit take care of the matter such that the believer doing the sinning will have opportunities to become a believer who studies and obeys the Word of God regularly. Regarding refraining from praying for a believer who is at the point of the sin unto death, it is possible that a believer might be unaware of whether a believer who is sinning is at the point of the sin unto death. In that regard, the believer doing the praying can pray to God the Father that if the believer doing the sinning is not at the point of the sin unto death, that God the Father then have God the Son and God the Holy Spirit take care of the matter such that the believer doing the sinning will have opportunities to become a believer who studies and obeys the Word of God regularly. Praying in that manner gives the sinning believer the benefit of the doubt while at the same time applying the principle of not praying for the believer who is at the point of the sin unto death.

Because God the Father resurrected Jesus after Jesus was sacrificed by suffering judgment for the rest of humanity and because the animal or animals that died for the garments of skin in Genesis 3:21 and the animals that died in the other animal sacrifices that foreshadowed the judgment of Jesus involved those animals being sacrificed as teaching illustrations for the sake of humanity, I am hopeful that God the Fatherʼs plan involves the resurrection of those sacrificed animals. I am hopeful that God the Fatherʼs plan involves the resurrection of all other animals as well. Regarding animals going to Heaven, I am hopeful that because God the Father graciously sent God the Son to be born as the Lord Jesus Christ and because God the Father judged Jesus for the sins of humanity so that everyone who believes that Jesus is the Savior Who was judged for the sins of humanity will have eternal life, as per John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8–9 (“…for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten [uniquely born] Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” and “…for by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, lest any man should boast”), that God the Father is and will continue to be gracious towards animals. My hope regarding the graciousness of God the Father towards animals is bolstered by God the Fatherʼs graciousness when a person who has believed in Jesus as the Savior then later sins and and after sinning, confesses/acknowledges to God the Father all of that personʼs known unconfessed post-salvation sins because the content of 1 John1:9 indicates that God the Father then forgives those known confessed post-salvation sins and also the unknown post-salvation sins of that person (“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”).

It would be interesting if a nation associated with a dragon becomes involved in a war during the year of the dragon, the current iteration of which is from 10 February 2024 through 28 January 2025. Also, it would be interesting if the man referenced in the content of Revelation 13:1–2 as being associated with the devil, who is referred to as a dragon in that content, becomes empowered during the year of the dragon. While absent from the Bible is any reference to a year being a year of the dragon, there are dragon references in the Bible, and all of those references have negative connotations.

Below are some health-related links that might make for interesting reading. The links are related to the Earth Clinic website and the late Ted from Bangkok, Thailand, a frequent poster of content at who had a stroke in 2015 and passed away a few years later. The desktop version of the Earth Clinic website might be more convenient to peruse than the mobile version. Also, some of Tedʼs posts are located in the main part of the Earth Clinic website. In addition, Tedʼs observations on any given topic can be scattered across multiple webpages and also across multiple posts on a webpage.

The below links are related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The first below link is to a part of a webpage where Tedʼs observations are referenced.

At the below link to Tedʼs archive section of the Earth Clinic website, there are links to additional pages involving Tedʼs observations related to ALS. There are 17 such pages total.

Below is a link about the late Ted from Bangkok.

The below link is to the first page related to ALS at the main section of the Earth Clinic website.

Below are two more links related to ALS at the main section of the Earth Clinic website.

Below are examples of search links related to ALS. The first link involves searching for +ALS +Ted +Bangkok. The second link involves searching for +ALS.

Below are links to audio of Rife frequencies (also known as Crane frequencies). The Rife-frequency audio involves Coordinative Resonance Frequencies (CRFs), which are exact or nearly exact divisors of the Rife fundamental frequencies. The sounds that are referred to as Rife frequencies are sometimes referred to as Crane frequencies. Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife machine in the 1930s. In the 1950s, John Crane contacted Rife about frequency technology, and Crane made frequency machines in the 1950s and 1960s. I share this in case it might be interesting information.

Some people have misused the Rife-frequency/Crane-frequency invention by trying to use frequencies that are supposedly related to chakras. It is my understanding that chakras involve fallen angels. Like the human villains in Scooby-Doo cartoons, fallen angels pretend to be things other than what the fallen angels really are: manipulative narcissists. I have seen zero evidence of Royal Raymond Rife or John Crane trying to use frequencies for chakras. It is my understanding that trying to use Rife frequencies / Crane frequencies for chakras is a self-destructive misuse of the Rife-frequency/Crane-frequency invention. Also, Rife frequencies / Crane frequencies are different from binaural beats. I am unable to recommend binaural beats. Regarding the foregoing, it is my understanding that to spare oneself from unnecessary trouble, it is worthwhile to avoid anything having to do with chakras or binaural beats.

Drinking a liter of water after listening to a Rife frequency / Crane frequency is recommended by some people. Also, some people listen to multiple Rife frequencies / Crane frequencies at the same time. That can be done by opening multiple webpages in separate tabs of a Web browser.

Below are links to audio related ALS and other issues.


Heavy Metals Detox:

Radiation Detox:



Bruxism (Tooth Grinding):

Teeth and gum regeneration:

The ailment webpages in Tedʼs section are linked from alphabetized webpages. In that regard, below are some sample links.

Also, a subsection of Tedʼs section involves remedies. Below is the link to that webpage.

In addition, a subsection of Tedʼs section involves supplements. Below is the link to that webpage.

Below is a link to a subsection of Tedʼs section involving pets

At the below link to a subsection of the main part of the Earth Clinic website, there is a webpage related to ailments.

At the below link to a subsection of the main part of the Earth Clinic website, there is a webpage related to remedies and supplements. In contrast, Tedʼs section has separate webpages for remedies and supplements.

Below is a link to a webpage related to pet ailments. The webpage is in the main part of the Earth Clinic website.

Below is a link to a webpage related to remedies for pets. The webpage is in the main part of the Earth Clinic website.

Ted recommended alkalizing. Below are some links related to that topic. Also, Ted indicated that sodium ascorbate is an alkaline form of vitamin C. In addition, Ted used the word pleomorphic in the last sentence of his post on the webpage at the first below link.

Below is a link to the brand of sodium ascorbate powder that we consume. There is at least one another brand as well. I try to consume three grams of it in a glass of water each day. A quarter teaspoon of the powder is approximately 1,000 milligrams; therefore, I try to take a quarter teaspoon of the powder on three occasions during a day.

Regarding alkalizing, the below link contains content from Ted regarding biological terrain and negative millivolts.

Tedʼs alkalizing observations involve terrain theory, but he also believed in viruses. Whereas Ted believed in viruses, a New Zealand doctor named Sam Bailey (a lady), her husband Mark Bailey, and some others donʼt. They believe in terrain theory rather than germ theory. The Baileys have information related to germ theory and terrain theory at the below links. Some of that information might provide context for Tedʼs observations related to alkalizing.

Ted co-authored the book pH Balanced for Live!—The Easiest Way to Alkalize. The other author is named Bill Thompson. He is also known as Bill from San Fernando, Philippines. Below are related links.

Ted also mentioned his method of making a remedy similar to water that some people refer to as healing water. Below are some links related to that topic.

Ted mentioned cancer at the below link related to radiation involving electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Ted also covered the topic of EMF at the below link.

While Ted indicated that he thought that angels, spirits, and ghosts are all the same thing, it is my understanding that, like the human villains in Scooby-Doo cartoons, fallen angels are con artists who pretend to be things other than what the fallen angels really are: manipulative narcissists. It is my understanding that ways in which fallen angels could be like human villains in Scooby-Doo cartoons include the fallen angels pretending to be ghosts, extraterrestrial visitors other than what the angels really are, good spirits, and gods. I mention the foregoing in case one comes across Tedʼs thoughts on that subject while reading Tedʼs observations on any given topic.

Some of Tedʼs observations have been useful for me. For example, his observations regarding muscle soreness have been helpful. In that regard, below are two links.

Regarding some of Tedʼs observations, working in a metal-fabrication facility can result in exposure to metallic dust. In that regard, Ted from Bangkok shared various observations about removing metal out of oneʼs body. Even without being in a metalworking facility, a person could possibly be exposed to metallic contaminants in the modern world. While such contaminants might not accumulate as quickly as they would when one is in a metalworking facility, it is possible that significant amounts of metallic contaminants could accumulate in people who have never been in a metalworking facility.

Similarly, there is a modern substance known as graphene that is being used in a variety of ways nowadays. Graphene was discovered in 2004. Graphene is a type of nanotechnology. In that regard, people have indicated that graphene is one atom in height. Just as there can be metallic contaminants in oneʼs body in the modern world, so now there is also the possibility that there can be graphene contaminants in oneʼs body. Below are links to academic articles related to graphene. One article, which was published in 2019, is named “Graphene Oxide Touches Blood: In Vivo Interactions of Bio-Coronated 2D Materials.” Another article, which was published in 2016, is named “Toxicity of Graphene-Family Nanoparticles: A General Review of the Origins and Mechanisms.” That second article contains 240 references to other academic articles, many of which are related to graphene. I am unaware of how significant graphene contaminants are, but it seemed worthwhile to mention the topic because it might make for interesting reading. The links involve digital object identifiers (DOIs). The use of digital object identifiers in the Web addresses allows the Web addresses to be shorter than Web addresses that contain the names of the articles.

The one-paragraph Abstract section at the below link is interesting. Below that paragraph is an illustration depicting a blood vessel with biocoronated graphene oxide in the bloodstream. Might what is referenced at that link be involved in what is referred to as φαρμακείᾳ [far-mah-KAY-ah / pharmakeia] in the content of Revelation 18:23? Also, might the content of Revelation 17:3–5, which refers to a group metaphorically called Babylon metaphorically riding on the king of the West, who is metaphorically referred to as a scarlet beast, refer to an increase in wealth of the group called Babylon as a result of the king of the Westʼs action or actions related to what is referenced at that link? In addition, might the unspecified cause of death that is listed in the content of Revelation 6:8, which references one fourth of mankind at some point during the Tribulation being killed by means of fighting, famine, an unspecified cause of death simply referred to as death, and animals, involve what is referenced at that link? Regarding the foregoing, if the Rapture and the Tribulation will occur hundreds of years from the time of the composing of the content of the part of this paragraph that is after the first three sentences of this paragraph on October 15th, 2024, rather than the Rapture and the Tribulation occurring in the next few years from the time of the composing of this content, there might be something else that could fit the pattern of what is referenced in the content of Revelation 18:23; Revelation 17:3–5; and Revelation 6:8. In that regard, I am unable to know whether the Rapture and the Tribulation will occur during the next few years from the time of the composing of this content on October 15th, 2024, or whether the Rapture and the Tribulation will occur later, such as, for example, hundreds of years from the time of the composing of this content. Nonetheless, it seems worthwhile to consider the possibility that the Rapture and the Tribulation could occur during the next few years from the time of the composing of this content. For those who disbelieve in the Rapture and those who believe in the Rapture but believe it will not occur before the Tribulation, it seems worthwhile to consider the possibility that there will be a Rapture and to consider the possibility that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation. In that regard, it seems worthwhile to be prepared for two things at once, like when playing a strategy or tactical game. When playing such a game, a player sometimes needs to be prepared for multiple possibilities.

In the one-paragraph Abstract section at the below link, something known as the corona effect is referenced. In the Background section at the below link, the 2004 discovery of graphene is referenced. Also in the Background section, the six-sided structure of graphene is referenced. Also mentioned in the Background section are various forms of graphene and derivatives of graphene. In the References section at the below link is the list of 240 references to other academic articles, many of which are related to graphene.

At the below link is a list of graphene-producing companies and the logos of those companies. The list continues on multiple webpages. Some of the logos involve hexagonal shapes that are reminiscent of the six-sided structure of graphene. Some such logos involve three hexagonal shapes.

Might what is referenced at the below links be involved in what is referenced in the content of Revelation 18:23 and Revelation 13:18?

Below is a link related to a third article; it was published in 2019. That article is titled “A Closer Look at the Genotoxicity of Graphene Based Materials.” In the one-paragraph Abstract section at the below link, optical, thermal, mechanical, and electronic properties of graphene-based materials are referenced. Also referenced in that section is the good dispersibility of graphene-based materials in different type of solvents, including water. In addition, referenced in that section is the use of graphene-based materials in biological systems. In that regard, content in that section indicates that graphene-based materials have been extensively studied in vitro and in vivo in the biomedical field. Content in the third paragraph in the Introduction section of that article indicates that there has been extensive investigation of the inherent self-assembly potential of the nanostructures of the graphene family.

Below is a link related to a fourth article; it was published in 2020. That article is titled “Nose-to-Brain Translocation and Cerebral Biodegradation of Thin Graphene Oxide Nanosheets.” Content in the one-paragraph Abstract section at the below link references the translocation of graphene oxide from the nose to the brain following intranasal instillation. Content in that section indicates that graphene oxide sheets that are 10–550 nanometers in size are maintained in the brain for one month and that those graphene oxide sheets undergo changes that are biodegradation related.

Below is a link related to a fifth article; it was published in 2010. That article is titled “Radio-Frequency Characteristics of Graphene Oxide.” Content of that article indicates that graphene oxide has the potential to be used for the transmission of signals at gigahertz ranges of frequency.

Below is a link related to a sixth article; it was published in 2020. That article is titled “Material Advancement in Technological Development for the 5G Wireless Communications.” Content in the one-paragraph Abstract section at the below link references nanoantennas. Content in that section also references some types of nanomaterials, including graphene, carbon nanotubes, metallic nanomaterials, and metamaterials. In the 4.2 Nanomaterials section of the article, there are illustrations depicting different shapes of nanomaterials, including nanoparticles, nanowires, nanoribbons, and carbon nanotubes.

Below is a link related to a seventh article; it was published in 2016. That article is titled “Polymeric Filomicelles and Nanoworms: Two Decades of Synthesis and Application.” Below is a quote from the Abstract section of that article. In the quote self-assembly and building blocks for superstructures are mentioned. Also, in the Abstract section of the article is an illustration of a nanoworm.

Filomicelles and nanoworms are an emerging subclass of nanomaterials with a special elongated shape. The physical properties of a filomicelle are distinct from a traditional spherical micelle, and as such have attracted tremendous interest in a variety of research areas. In this review, we highlight the substantial progress in the synthesis and application of polymeric nanoworms over the past two decades. Synthetic techniques summarized in this review are particle replication in nonwetting templates (PRINT), film stretching, self-assembly (SA), crystallization-driven self-assembly (CDSA), polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA), and temperature-induced morphological transformation (TIMT). The applications of filomicelles as (i) templates for inorganic nanoparticles, (ii) building blocks for superstructures, (iii) synthetic dendritic cells for immunotherapy, (iv) constituents of thermoresponsive gels for biomedical applications, and (v) nanocarriers for cancer drug delivery are subsequently discussed. In the conclusion, we describe the current trajectory of research in the field and identify areas where further developments are of urgent need.

Below is a link related to an eighth article; it was published in 2019. That article is titled “Molecular Programming of Biodegradable Nanoworms via Ionically Induced Morphology Switch toward Asymmetric Therapeutic Carriers.” In the Abstract section of that article is the following quote: “Using molecular engineering, it is possible to program unique morphological features into the self-assembly of block copolymers (BCPs).” In the Introduction section of that article, in the caption for Figure 1 in that section, is the following quote: “Programming the formation of biodegradable nanoworms via an ionically induced morphology switch.” The following is another quote in that caption: “The proposed membrane interactions between cationic nanoworms and (negatively charged) cancer cell membranes.” Also, in Figure 1 are the phrases Direct Hydration and Ion-Induced Elongation.

Below is a link related to a ninth article; it was published in 2024. That article is titled “ Application of Quantum Dots in Brain Diseases and Their Neurotoxic Mechanism .” In the Introduction section of that article, graphene is referenced. Also, the following is a quote from that section: “Despite the proven advantages of quantum dots, concerns about potential toxic effects have always accompanied them. QDs can be transported to different tissues and organs upon exposure, resulting in adverse effects in organisms.” In Section 3 of the article is the following quote: “Studies have shown that QDs can enter the central nervous system through various pathways, e.g., blood–brain barrier, nasal–brain transport, cerebrospinal fluid pathway, etc. Some quantum dots are synthesized using heavy metals, and brain tissue is susceptible to these substances.” In Section 4.2 is the following quote: “Several mechanisms contribute to the neurotoxicity of QDs. They mainly include non-neurological specific mechanisms (e.g., such as oxidative stress, heavy metal ion release, apoptosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, autophagy, ferroptosis, pyroptosis, and genomic instability.) and neurological specific mechanisms of action (e.g., intervention in GABA metabolic pathways and neurotransmitter receptor-mediated).” In Section 4.2.1, quantum dots causing oxidative stress through reactive oxygen species (ROS) is referenced. Also in that section, the antioxidant NAC decreasing both reactive-oxygen-species expression the rate of apoptosis (cell death) is referenced. The following is a quote from that section: “Lovrić J. et al. found that both ROS expression and the rate of apoptosis were significantly decreased when the cells were co-treated with the antioxidant NAC in vitro, suggesting that quantum dot-induced oxidative stress may be inhibited by antioxidants, further suggesting that the cytotoxicity induced by QDs may be due to ROS generation.”

Regarding graphene contamination, some people have indicated that N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) can be useful for chelating graphene out of oneʼs body. In that regard, people have indicated that consuming NAC leads to oneʼs body producing glutathione, which is what chelates the graphene out of the body. Consuming NAC in order for glutathione to be produced by oneʼs body can be more efficient than consuming glutathione itself. Also, people have indicated that consuming melatonin results in oneʼs body producing glutathione. In that regard, the below link is related to supplements. NAC, glutathione, melatonin, and other supplements are referenced. The content is translated from Spanish. The original Spanish content is from one of two gentlemen who have expressed observations related to health. I am unable to understand everything that they say. In that regard, it is possible that some of what they express might be different from my understanding related to topics involving interpretation of Bible content.

Archived copies: and

Another archived copy:*/

Below are two melatonin-related links at the Earth Clinic website.

Webpages related to melatonin are also linked from the below links at the Earth Clinic website. At the second below link, under the introductory paragraph at that link, there is a text box that can be used to narrow down the list of displayed links by typing the keyword melatonin in that box.

Also, some people have indicated that nicotine disrupts nanotechnology in oneʼs body and that the monacolin K in red yeast rice also disrupts nanotechnology in oneʼs body. Regarding nicotine, the gentleman who expressed observations related to NAC, glutathione, melatonin, and other supplements at the link further above has claimed that someone has recently done an experiment involving tobacco, distilled water, and nanotechnology. Below is a link to a video related to that. I must consider the possibility that the content in the video could involve an amateur attempt at a science-fiction television show; nonetheless, the content makes for interesting viewing and reading. The video has subtitles in English. Below the link are some descriptions of the video content.$/embed/@laquintacolumnainternational:7/NICOTINE-DESTROYS-INJECTABLE-NANOTECHNOLOGY:7

4:55 mark: The gentleman in the video mentions that someone has extracted nicotine from a gram of tobacco with distilled water and added it to a dental anesthetic.

5:10 mark: A glass with a brown liquid in it is shown with a description translated into English as “First part 5cc of distilled water 1 gram of tobacco.”

5:10 mark: “Place the mixture in the center of the object holder.”

5:50 mark: A picture of what looks like something under a microscope is shown with some rectangular objects in the picture and with a description translated into English as “Dental anesthetic 30 days drying.”

6:55 mark: A picture of what looks like something under a microscope with many rectangular objects in the picture is shown with a description translated into English as “What we are seeing is an intracorporeal network of biosensors introduced in local anesthetics.”

7:50 mark: A picture of what looks like something under a microscope with some rectangular objects in a zoomed-in view is shown.

9:20 mark: A picture of what looks like something under a microscope with many rectangular objects in the picture is shown with a description that could be translated as “I put a small amount of the tobacco/water mixture.”

9:30 mark: Movement of some rectangular objects as if being sucked into something that makes them disappear is shown. This part is entertaining to watch. It looks like something that could be included in a science-fiction TV show like Loganʼs Run.

10:55 mark: Another view of movement of some rectangular objects as if being sucked into something that makes them disappear is shown.

12:02 mark: The gentleman in the video references the person who made the video footage of the nicotine, distilled water, and dental anesthetic.

12:05 mark: The gentleman in the video references additional video footage.

12:10 mark: Some liquid approaching an object is shown.

12:25 mark: Some objects seem to be swallowed up or dissolved by liquid.

12:55 mark: From this point onward are the following descriptions translated into English: “Let us also remember what we said about nicotine having a neuroprotective action, and that there were some studies that seemed to determine that it could be an effective treatment for such diseases as Alzheimerʼs, Parkinsonʼs, and other types of neuropathies. However, it does not necessarily have to be inhaled and smoked. They are many ways to administer nicotine, including chewing gum. This substance passes in certain doses into the blood, which we know is contaminated with, you know what. It is an indication that should be tested and more tests must obviously be done.”

Regarding red yeast rice, the gentleman who expressed observations related to NAC, glutathione, melatonin, and other supplements at the link further above and who also expressed observations related to tobacco, distilled water, and nanotechnology in the above-linked video has claimed that the person that the gentleman claimed had done an experiment involving tobacco, distilled water, and nanotechnology has also done an experiment involving red yeast rice and nanotechnology. Below is a link to a video related to that. As with the above-linked video, I must consider the possibility that the content in the below-linked video could involve an amateur attempt at a science-fiction television show; nonetheless, the content makes for interesting viewing and reading. The video has subtitles in English. Below the link are some descriptions of the video content.$/embed/@laquintacolumnainternational:7/Monacolin-K-seems-to-interact-with-the-nanotech-of-injectables.:f

0:20 mark: An English subtitle indicates that a dental anesthetic had been dried for twenty days. Also, rectangular objects are visible.

0:45 mark: Liquid swirls around a cluster of objects, some of which are rectangular, and what appear to be bubbles form around the periphery of the cluster of objects.

3:10 mark: Starting near the bottom center of the screen are two rectangular objects that seem to become encapsulated by something that looks like a bubble. The view moves to that those objects are located near the bottom right corner of the screen. That encapsulation continues until the 3:48 marl when the video transitions to a different view.

3:49 mark: Various objects, including some rectangular ones, are shown encapsulated in what look like bubbles.

4:15 mark: Liquid with bubbles swirls around a rectangular object and seems to dissolve part of that object.

4:30 mark: A piece of a somewhat rectangular object seems to be sucked off or dissolved by swirling liquid with bubbles.

4:47 mark: Something that appears to be liquid moves in the direction of an object with with filaments sticking out of it. The filaments of that object then disappear as though they are being dissolved. That dissolving continues until the 5:11 mark when the video transitions to a different view.

5:12 mark: Something that appears to be liquid moves in the direction of multiple objects with with filaments sticking out of them. Those filaments then disappear as though they are being dissolved.

5:20 mark: An English subtitle indicates that the disassembling of microstructures is occurring.

5:26 mark: Something that appears to be liquid moves around multiple objects with with filaments sticking out of them. Those filaments then disappear as though they are being dissolved.

Regarding nicotine and the use of tobacco in the manner referenced in the above link, Ted from Bangkok shared observations related to chemical similarities between nicotinamide (niacinamde) and nicotine. Niacinamde is a form of vitamin B3. Niacin is also a form of vitamin B3. While I am unaware whether niacinamde or niacin could be used in the manner referenced in the above links, the below links might be interesting to read. In that regard, Ted from Bangkok had indicated that stopping a smoking habit can be accomplished by the consumption of niacinamide, which he indicated satisfies a bodyʼs cravings for nicotine. He indicated that niacin can also be used but that niacin can cause a red-flush color to the skin.

While cigarettes have tobacco, cigarettes can have other ingredients as well. In that regard, below is a link to an academic article related to the topic of cigarettes containing pyrazines. The article was published in 2015. That article is titled “A Study of Pyrazines in Cigarettes and How Additives Might Be Used to Enhance Tobacco Addiction.” The following is a quote from the Discussion section at the below link: “This is the first report to document the tobacco industryʼs incorporation of pyrazine compounds into cigarettes since the early 1970s which appear to contribute to the productsʼ appeal and abuse potential. Effects of pyrazines in cigarettes as described in industry documents reflect a range of processes by which such non-nicotine constituents might increase tobacco product abuse potential.” The following is another quote from that section: “Several pyrazine derivatives have also been found to potentiate 5-HT binding to receptors in the central nervous system, which results in enhanced dopamine release independently of nicotine.” In the Introduction section is an exhibit labeled “Pyrazine compounds in manufacturers’ reports of cigarette ingredients,” and 16 pyrazine compounds are listed in that exhibit.

Regarding interaction between nicotine and graphene oxide, below is a link to an article that was published in 2018. That article is titled “Adsorption of Nicotine in Aqueous Solution by a Defective Graphene Oxide.” In that article, the abbreviation GO is used to refer to graphene oxide. The following is a quote from the Conclusion section at the below link: “In summary, GO and modified GO were used as adsorbents for removal of nicotine from aqueous solution because of their special structure, abundant functional groups and high surface area.” The following is another quote from that section: “In terms of thermodynamic study, the adsorption process is exothermic and spontaneous, indicating that the adsorption is more favorable at ambient temperature.”

Regarding graphene oxide, the gentleman who expressed observations related to NAC, glutathione, melatonin, and other supplements at the link further above and who expressed observations related to nicotine in the video involving tobacco, distilled water, and nanotechnology, shared observations related to graphene oxide in the video at the below link. In that video, which was published on September 8th, 2023, that gentleman claims to be looking at graphene oxide by means of a microscope. A voiceover in English is done by a lady throughout the video. Near the end of the video is a gentleman who is the colleague of the aforementioned gentleman. Below the link are some descriptions of the video content.$/embed/@laquintacolumnainternational:7/Optical-microscopic-amalysis-of-a-single-drop-of-Pfizer's-vaccine:0

2:52 mark: The gentleman in the video begins talking.

6:14 mark: The gentleman in the video provides some more information.

8:06 mark: The antioxidant glutathione is mentioned by the gentleman.

10:40 mark: The gentleman in the video begins the analysis using a microscope.

41:25 mark: The lady doing the voiceover in English begins talking about a man involved in technology. It is possible that the false prophet who is referenced in Revelation 13:11–18 could be a man involved in technology. The man in the video mentions veins and arteries at the 42:12 mark.

44:05 mark: The colleague of the gentleman who is in most of the video shares some observations.

42:50 mark: While the lady doing the voiceover in English speaks, a screenshot of a Spanish translation of content of the webpage at is displayed. The following is a quote from that webpage: “The biosensor adheres to the skin of the face and head in order to detect electrical signals being sent by the brain. These signals can be translated into commands to control autonomous robotic systems. The sensor, made of epitaxial graphene grown onto a silicon carbide on silicon substrate, overcomes the major challenges of corrosion, durability and skin-contact resistance.” The following is another quote from that webpage: “This means the electric signals being sent by the brain can be reliably collected and then significantly amplified, and that the sensors can also be used reliably in harsh conditions, thereby enhancing their potential for use in brain-machine interfaces.”

43:20 mark: Mortality quantities are referenced. In that regard, the content of Revelation 6:8 indicates that during the Tribulation, one fourth of mankind will be killed by means of fighting, famine, an unspecified cause of death simply referred to as death, and animals. In that verse, the reference to fighting involves the use of a word that can be translated as “sword,” which can be a metaphorical reference to fighting involving weaponry. Of course, those calamities will occur after the Rapture rather than before the Rapture. Also, rather than the potential for those calamities to occur being indicators that the Rapture will definitely occur in the near future, the potential for those calamities to occur are indicators that the Rapture occurring in the near future is within the realm of possibility. Regarding the foregoing and with regard to being prepared for the imminent occurrence of the Rapture—in other words, for the occurrence of the Rapture at any time—it is worthwhile to refrain from ignoring current events that involve an indication or indications of possible worldwide warfare, current events that involve an indication or indications of possible famine, current events that involve an indication or indications of the potential for many people to die by some unspecified means, and current events that involve an indication or indications of the potential for widespread death caused by animals.

44:29 mark: The colleague mentions a man who has expressed interest in mixing humans and technology. That man is in charge of an organization that could possibly be part of a group of people that will have been deceiving the world by means of φαρμακείᾳ [far-mah-KAY-ah / pharmakeia] of that group of people, as per Revelation 18:23. In that regard, the group of people referenced in Revelation 18:23 is referenced in Revelation 17:16 as being defeated by the king of the West and his ten subordinate rulers, and the content of Revelation 6:2 indicates that the king of the West will seem to be a hero riding on a white horse.

The two gentlemen in the above-linked video seem to be confident that fallen angels can appear in reptilian form. While Satan is associated with the serpent in the Garden of Eden and is metaphorically referenced in Revelation 12 as a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven diadems on the heads, absent from the Bible is anything indicating that fallen angels can appear in reptilian form. The two gentlemen in the above-linked video have indicated that they have observed artifacts with artwork depicting extraterrestrial visitors. It is possible that those two gentlemenʼs confidence that fallen angels can appear in reptilian form is based on such artifacts. In that regard, while it is possible that the artwork of ancient artifacts can depict what the makers of that artwork observed, it is possible that the artwork of ancient artifacts can depict what the makers of that artwork have conjured up in their imaginations. For example, some such artwork could have been made by teenagers fantasizing about nonexistent creatures. Regarding anything asserted by those gentlemen, by me, or by anyone else, it is worthwhile to use the Word of God to examine what is being communicated. That is what the Bereans who are mentioned in Acts 17:10–12 did:

The brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, who, when they arrived, went into the synagogue of the Jews. Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, who received the word with all eagerness / readiness of mind, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Therefore, many of them believed, and not a few prominent Greek women and men.

Note: The phrase not a few means “quite a few.”

Regarding doing what the Bereans who are mentioned in Acts 17:10–12 did, it is worthwhile to keep in mind the message of grace that is in the Bible. In that regard, below is the content of John 3:14–16 and the content of Ephesians 2:8–9, respectively.

“As Moses lifted up the serpent [the serpent made of bronze described in Numbers 21:8–9] in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life, for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten [uniquely born] Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

“…for by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, lest any man should boast.”

Regarding Ted from Bangkokʼs observations about removing metal out of oneʼs body, below are some links. Content at some of the links involves ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) being used to chelate metal out of oneʼs body. Also, below some of the below links are notes related to the links.

Ted mentions tetra sodium EDTA being an alkaline form of chelation, and he mentions using baking soda to neutralize the acidity of disodium EDTA.

Ted mentions buffering EDTA with baking soda.

Herx = Herxheimer effect or Herxheimer reaction, which involves rapid detoxification causing a feeling of illness.

Ted spells N-acetyl cysteine as N acetyl Cysteine.

OP = oil pulling. Oil pulling can be done with a tablespoon of coconut oil swished around in the mouth for five minutes and then spit out. The following is a quote from Tedʼs observations: “Oil pulling is preferably done BETWEEN BRUSHING OF TEETH ONLY and it is done 5 minutes should be sucient for heavy metal pulling.”

Below are links to archive websites where one can search for archived copies of webpages. The first and second links seem to have the same content.

I understand that some people believe that there will be no Messiah and that others believe that the Messiah will be someone else who will conquer without having suffered. I find comfort from the belief that looking to Jesus as the Savior has correspondence to the Israelites looking to the brass serpent, and I hope that others can find comfort from this as well. I am also hopeful that He will one day return to the earth in glory, in order to deliver the Israelites from destruction by their numerous foes, whether that return will be soon or not so soon. Linked is a summary involving that return and related matters; the summary includes verse citations.

I hope that some or all of the linked content can help you have hope as well!